B.C. by Mastroianni and Hart for April 06, 2014

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    KenTheCoffinDweller  almost 11 years ago

    From Peter’s reaction it doesn’t seem like the soup is at all similar to “Stone Soup” made with the magic soup stone.

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    David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace  almost 11 years ago

    Good for your craw, if humans had craws..Early soupstones.

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  3. Anishnawbe
    Allan CB Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    Stone Soup. that’s what this reminds me of.

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    OmegaDragotroid  almost 11 years ago

    The paleo diet is actually a pretty good one imo. I’ve been able to shave off up to 22 lbs. without effort while I was eating it more strictly. I think there are a lot of misconceptions about it, though. People kind of freak out at the no dairy, no grains, and no legumes/lentils aspects of it. But they don’t understand there are alternatives with higher nutritional value than those few groups. Plus, everything else is fair game so long as you cook with better oils such as olive or coconut oils.

    Now, to be fair, dairy is allowed so long as the cows are vegetarian fed with no add hormones or antibiotics. In short, organic milk. But since I’m increasingly unable to tolerate dairy unless it’s been made into cheese, ice cream, or other foods, I opt to drink coconut milk for my liquid calcium.

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    OmegaDragotroid  almost 11 years ago

    I agree with you there. The comic has gone down in quality. Same with Wizard of Id. Both are far too political these days. The more recent pot focus is also hardly funny.

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  6. Bassethound abernathy
    boldyuma  almost 11 years ago

    Maybe have some Rocky Road Ice cream to finish it off…When I was little we had “Lava” brand soap around the house(made with pumice)..I liked the smell of it and wondered if you could put it in soup..never tried it though..

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    David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace  almost 11 years ago

    Wasn’t me made IMHO or IMO statement.Me not care.I am simply amused by those who read a comic strip simply to complain how bad it is..Also don’t care how many preferred the previous artist over current one. To each his own. Plenty were offended at Hart’s comics now and then, usually THE SOCIETY OF THE PERPETUALLY OFFENDED (TSOTPO)..If you can’t abide this one, such is life. You can find happiness elsewhere, so not all is lost..Good to know you actually DO still have a sense of humor, even if not here.

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    Hunter7  almost 11 years ago

    I was thinking of Lava cake. (or pudding, if you prefer)

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    streakjerry  almost 11 years ago

    If any comic was going to jump on the Paleo bandwagon it had to be this one.

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