Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for April 28, 2014
Chad, we haven't had a single batter reach base! It's up to you! Take one for the team! What does "take one for the team" mean? It's a euphemism, Chad. What's a euphemism? It's like a gentler way of saying something. A gentler way of saying what? This is like the shooting scene in "Old Yeller."
favm almost 11 years ago
He knows Old Yeller?
Agent54 almost 11 years ago
Chad it means take a bean ball to the head, just keep the batter helmet on.
Comisftw almost 11 years ago
Go Chad hit a home run
peanuts511 almost 11 years ago
How clueless can you GET????
Mr. Pig Hates Bacon almost 11 years ago
dcjeepguy almost 11 years ago
What happened to Old Yeller???
orbenjawell Premium Member almost 11 years ago
……so reflects our intrepid hero, who often can’t remember what he (maybe) absorbed in social studies just yesterday, but can recall the “truly important” life truths from a movie made when I was even younger than he is!! That WAS sad………
Bucinka almost 11 years ago
?? Chester is pitching a perfect game? Then what we need to do is put the jinx on by saying it out loud. Even saying “no-hitter” will do.
will comic man almost 11 years ago
he is gonna hit a home run
Comic Minister Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Agreed Nate.
Longplay Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Prediction: Chad will hold the bat in self defense and the ball will accidentally hit the bad, causing three errors and a home run, or maybe a triple since this is only Monday.
Tater almost 11 years ago
Get real, Chad.
Mr. Pig Hates Bacon almost 11 years ago
Or read the book, or look it up.
Jeff0811 almost 11 years ago
I think Chad knows exactly what it means, he just wants to make them suffer as much as they want him to suffer. I agree with everyone else, Chad will at least get on base.
Growing up I was not much of an athlete. We were playing Softball in Phys. Ed. My turn at bat. The opposing team all moved to the infield. My teammates coached me on a couple of practice swings. It must have worked, I hit the ball over everyone’s head, stood there in shock for a few seconds, then ran the bases. My first, of many to follow, home run.
Spoiler Alert to Yoda, Old Yeller is a dog. He dies at the end of the movie.
bignate creator almost 11 years ago
This isn’t the start of a big Chad story. Chad’s part is just today and tomorrow.
Daeder almost 11 years ago
Crowd the plate, Chad. Crowd the plate.
Jeff0811 almost 11 years ago
bignate, also read as Lincoln Peirce. I’m pretty sure he’s sure.
Four over 7 years ago
When did Lincoln stop commenting?