We live near a Budweiser Brewery. BEST place to go in the middle of summer! I don’t drink beer – the stuff is gross – but I love the insane cold, the “How It’s Made”-ness, and the best part, the Clydesdales!
Continuing from yesterday:-——————————————————————————Redkaycei Repoc said, about 17 hours ago
I refuse to believe you couldn’t find someone who wouldn’t work for $2000.00 a week (assuming an 8 hour day/40 hour week) in this economy-———————————————————————————
Quite right. I checked where I had originally posted about it and it wasn’t $50/hour, it was $10/hour. The orchard owner went to a government agency for job seekers and only found one willing to work his orchard, who quit at lunch time.
The Los Angeles Museum has (had?) a facility for rendering whale carcasses in the middle of the sausage making district where the smells blended right in!
Time for me to jump in. I was living in a town away from the coast and we Guiders took a group of Brownies to the coast. We got off and it was low tide. The girls wrinkled up their noses in disgust. I took a deep breath and thought “I’m home.”
bluskies almost 11 years ago
Ever been downwind of a bunker processing plant on a hot August day?
sbchamp almost 11 years ago
Wren Fahel almost 11 years ago
We live near a Budweiser Brewery. BEST place to go in the middle of summer! I don’t drink beer – the stuff is gross – but I love the insane cold, the “How It’s Made”-ness, and the best part, the Clydesdales!
Mneedle almost 11 years ago
The pulp-paper mills of N.W Florida are the worst.
jtviper7 almost 11 years ago
For the worst smell in the world try a slaughter house.
1MadHat Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Grease rendering shops are not a place for the faint of stomach to have a picnic, either. They somehow to be placed by roadsides, too.
Big D almost 11 years ago
Upwind of a hog farm……P U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
louieglutz almost 11 years ago
pulp mills and feed lots
markmoss1 almost 11 years ago
The worst I’ve smelled was “green fog”, downwind from feedlots.
ColonelClaus almost 11 years ago
Strange that no one has mentioned the stockyards. Now that’s a devine odor … NOT!
ladykat Premium Member almost 11 years ago
The pumper trucks that clean out septic tanks…
tuslog64 almost 11 years ago
For a real thrill, go INSIDE a hog confinement building.Or, get stuck in traffic behind a rendering truck.
Skywatcher68 almost 11 years ago
Continuing from yesterday:-——————————————————————————Redkaycei Repoc said, about 17 hours ago
I refuse to believe you couldn’t find someone who wouldn’t work for $2000.00 a week (assuming an 8 hour day/40 hour week) in this economy-———————————————————————————
Quite right. I checked where I had originally posted about it and it wasn’t $50/hour, it was $10/hour. The orchard owner went to a government agency for job seekers and only found one willing to work his orchard, who quit at lunch time.
JP Steve Premium Member almost 11 years ago
The Los Angeles Museum has (had?) a facility for rendering whale carcasses in the middle of the sausage making district where the smells blended right in!
hometownk Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Time for me to jump in. I was living in a town away from the coast and we Guiders took a group of Brownies to the coast. We got off and it was low tide. The girls wrinkled up their noses in disgust. I took a deep breath and thought “I’m home.”
AmyGrantfan51774 almost 11 years ago
yea like Luling Texas near San Antonio there a paper mill there and when you’re near San Antonio you can smell it ewwwwwww!!!!!!!!
AmyGrantfan51774 almost 11 years ago
is Spam better than potted meat????!!!..I’ve never had Spam but in all the ads they say Spam is great