Frazz by Jef Mallett for May 20, 2014
Girl: In the 1920s, Alvin "Shipwreck" Kelly made a modest living sitting atop flagpoles for days on end for the public's amusement. Proving in advance that something could, in fact, be more pointless than reality TV. History without insight is mere trivia. Frazz: That's worth remembering.
peter almost 11 years ago
“History without insight is mere trivia.”
Now that’s profound.
AlnicoV almost 11 years ago
It always struck me as odd that reality TV shows have a staff of writers.
DaveBj almost 11 years ago
“History without insight is mere trivia.”Maybe.But history without trivia is just plain boring.
dirgis3 almost 11 years ago
WOW! Comics comments sure are a great way for many readers to UNLOAD!!! :-D
Ninette almost 11 years ago
The problem today is so many claim insight without a knowledge of history.
platechick over 10 years ago
I’m 50. When I was a kid, my grandma told me about “flagpole sitting” and I was AMAZED. I love all that old kind of stuff from the past!
Jeff0811 over 10 years ago
I’m not sure what history with insight would be, but at least I wouldn’t repeat it.
Based loosely on the quote from George Santayana, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”.
With Google, even I can look like a brainiac.
KZ71 over 10 years ago
Whoa, A&E would totally run with that.