The Dinette Set by Julie Larson for May 29, 2014

  1. Purrfectgivts avatar001
    Laura Gildwarg  almost 11 years ago

    I think I remember this one from awhile back, or one very like it. Just goes to show that the Pennys never change. They’re such GENEROUS folk, aren’t they? I LOVE the ‘Heart of Mold’ sign behind Joy’s head! That says it all!

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    Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    5 gallons of soup for dinner, that sounds about right. It probably isn’t the first cushionless couch Goodwill has received either. My favorite Hoody came from Goodwill, ours is clean and really nice!

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  3. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    They’re about to shop for a new couch anyway
 then they’ll have their current one in the garage PLUS an extra set of cushions.

    I see stuff all the time in thrift shops that comes from the Pennys of the world

    The generous souls who donate the sheets when they get holes, the electric coffeemaker cos the carafe broke, the radio cos it never worked after Uncle Fred tried to fix it.

    I even worked briefly at Goodwill
. they throw out a lot of that damaged stuff, which smaller thrift shops try to sell.

    Even so, the donations as they come in the back door would astound you with their uselessness, even horror.

    Some people donate so they don’t have to drive to the landfill and pay a fee.

    A fairly clean, unbroken couch with no cushions, which would not be accepted anyway, is a delight compared to some of the torn, battered, filthy, reeking and 2-legged ones dumped outside the door in the dark of night.

    I once started to unpack a box of dishes wrapped in stained, greasy newspaper
 and found the dried remains of what seemed to be a very old turkey dinner on them
 like somebody bought extra dishes, years before, for a holiday and just wrapped them up instead of scraping and washing them
. and eventually decided some “poor person” would still want them.YUCK!We tossed them.

    BTW I have to say that’s not why I quit
.I left mostly cos I hated the way they treated the “clients” (what they call the employees who are going through their rehabilitation programs)
. but that’s another story.

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    loveslife  almost 11 years ago

    We have a man in a truck that picks up what is tossed out on the street. Well he takes only what he thinks is fixable. That’s good I don’t know what he does with them. My neighbor tossed out 2 kids cars battery operated, and a baby changing table He left the table which has 2 broken legs and a hole in the top. One day I’ll see him. We put things for him because it’s probably his living.

    The Pennys on the other hand just toss out good things and give crap
..But that’s all they have isn’t it?

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  5. Front sword at ready
    shamest Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    how can you not have leftovers of 5 gallons of soup. And how many cans is that as she doesn’t have the skill set for home made

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  6. My eye
    vldazzle  almost 11 years ago

    Goodness! 5 gallons is more than a whole batch of tomato sauce when I make it (I can only spare just SO much space in the freezer for a single item).

    @Susan, we should all hear that story one of these days. I guess we all have some horror stories of some of our past employment.

    @Imnormal, I agree that sounds about like what Joy would fix – although I’m not even sure Joy would have the imagination to combine 2 different soups (unless she saw it done somewhere). Even my mother (who had about Joy’s level of cooking knowledge) made a casserole of canned green beans with canned mushroom soup and topped it with canned onion rings. It was one of the dishes of which she was most proud.

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  7. Koala
    orbenjawell Premium Member almost 11 years ago


like they’re really gonna accept it like that
..part of it missing (although as regards the source, that could be a help

.the potential buyer could just put cardboard flats or something in place of the missing cushions, and be better off for not having seated themselves on old Penny furniture: imagine one taking a nap
.a looooong nap, on something that’s seen Burl ‘n Joy’s butts too many times
sleeping through THAT!!) Anyway they won’t take it “incomplete”!!

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    joegeethree  almost 11 years ago

    In other words


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  9. Cookie close
    Saucy1121 Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    I make a huge pot of vegetable beef soup every winter (using tomatoes I froze from my summer garden). I usually freeze 4 or 5 quarts. I eat off the rest for a couple of weeks. The frozen stuff is wonderful all winter. Let thaw and 2 nights worth of meals is solved.

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  10. Koala
    orbenjawell Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    Cancel Cub Scout Jamboree tickets

nnnnnh! I won a small award once as a Cubbie, selling tickets to that door-to-door
.I bet that’s how the Pennys purchased theirs
.made some kid feel a ‘lil better ’bout himself
..than the Pennys go ’n cancel: hey, we actually didn’t want to go anyway and KNEW IT when we bought the tix, so couth
.no real couth at all

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