Pat Oliphant for January 14, 2010

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    zsrogers  over 14 years ago

    Uncalled for and tasteless. Turning tragedy into a reason to attack conservatives (or anyone).


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    talbert11  over 14 years ago

    I agree with you zrogers. You can’t use a natural disaster that killed thousands as an reason to blame others. Hope Haiti recovers soon.

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  3. John adams1
    Motivemagus  over 14 years ago

    talbert11, that’s the point of the freaking cartoon!! Because that’s what Rush and Robertson did! For those who don’t know, Robertson was echoing statements made, interestingly, by the slaveholding aristocrats who felt threatened by black people starting their own republic by throwing out the aristocrats! And that included Southern slave-holding Americans.

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    kit_jefferson  over 14 years ago

    16th to 18th century thinking - the mystery, magic and miracle of divine retribution.

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  5. Tequilacat drawneditsm
    Nurb  over 14 years ago

    Classic Pat “the boogyman” Robertson.

    More of his ‘christlike’ messages:

    “Maybe we need a very small nuke thrown off on Foggy Bottom to shake things up” -Pat Robertson, Suggesting the US State Dept. in DC should be nuked

    “I have known few homosexuals who did not practice their tendencies. Such people are sinning against God and will lead to the ultimate destruction of the family and our nation. I am unalterably opposed to such things, and will do everything I can to restrict the freedom of these people to spread their contagious infection to the youth of this nation.” -Pat Robertson

    If Christian people work together, they can succeed during this decade in winning back control of the institutions that have been taken from them over the past 70 years. Expect confrontations that will be not only unpleasant but at times physically bloody…. This decade will not be for the faint of heart, but the resolute. Institutions will be plunged into wrenching change. We will be living through one of the most tumultuous periods of human history. When it is over, I am convinced God’s people will emerge victorious. -Pat Robertson, Pat Robertson’s Perspective, Suggesting Christians should attempt a coup, Oct-Nov 1992

    (a)”You know, I don’t know about this doctrine of assassination, but if he thinks we’re trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it. It’s a whole lot cheaper than starting a war … We have the ability to take him out, and I think the time has come that we exercise that ability. We don’t need another $200 billion war to get rid of one, you know, strong-arm dictator. It’s a whole lot easier to have some of the covert operatives do the job and then get it over with.” -Pat Robertson, calling for the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez

    (b)”Wait a minute, I didn’t say ‘assassination.’ I said our special forces should ‘take him out,’ and ‘take him out’ can be a number of things, including kidnapping.” -Pat Robertson, clarifying his call to assassinate Hugo Chavez several days later

    “(T)he feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.” -Pat Robertson

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  6. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 14 years ago

    There are other posts on these pages showing Robertson’s supporters are here, and as vile as he is. Pat (Oliphant) understates the slime of his messages over the years.

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    kennethcwarren64  over 14 years ago

    Robertson may have a point, according to the Bible he reads God created Heaven and Earth, then, several thousand years later, he approached a small tribe of people living in the Middle East and informed them that they were his chosen people, and if they worshipped him they would be saved, and all of those who didn ‘t worshipped him were doomed.

    This meant that the millions of people living at that time in China, India, Europe, North and South American, and the rest of the world were doomed – even though they had never heard of him.

    It seems to me that that sort of God would have no trouble offing a bunch of people living on a island.

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    believecommonsense  over 14 years ago

    I almost hate to ask, and refuse to do a search, exactly what did Rush the dumbo say this time?

    Oliphant skewers those who most assuredly earned it.

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    believecommonsense  over 14 years ago

    ahab, My God, that is one of the sickest, most vile comments I’ve ever heard! I think Rushbo is mentally ill. How could anyone want to listen to this falsely sanctimonious jerk. He should be condemned for these remarks by anyone who has an ounce of humanity in their soul.

    ”The disaster enables Mr. Obama to highlight his “compassionate” and “humanitarian” credentials and to “boost his credibility with the black community,” Limbaugh said. He also decried the White House’s promotion of charitable organizations through which people can contribute to the disaster relief. “We’ve already donated to Haiti,” he said. “It’s called the U.S. income tax.”

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    comYics  over 14 years ago

    Your lips are brown bcs.

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    Jason Allen  over 14 years ago

    Rush isn’t mentally ill, he just has no morals. He makes his ratings and money by spewing the vile hatred his listeners want to hear. He doesn’t really care about who it hurts or how false it is. I thought you’d have figured that out by now, BCS.

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    cartwrights  over 14 years ago

    I don’t know who’s a more disgusting pos: Robertson or Limbaugh.

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    hastynote Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Robertson parlayed his non-profit corp. into diamond mines and a law school for his weak-of-faith. Limbaugh parlays his $30 Million contract into drugs and other self indulgences.

    Surely Robertson takes the cake!

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    charliekane  over 14 years ago

    I’ll vote for Rush. He spits this scheit for money. With Pat, it is a faith based illness.

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    believecommonsense  over 14 years ago

    Jase, his comments about Haiti are shocking even for Limbaugh. I think he’s getting worse, becoming a sociopath.

    Your brain is mush, comYics

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  16. John adams1
    Motivemagus  over 14 years ago

    Didn’t Rush spend some of his money in Haiti on sex-tours? Or was that a different Caribbean island, where he said he had a “great time” and had an illegal Viagra prescription on him? You’d think he’d be more sympathetic. Or not.

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    cartwrights  over 14 years ago

    Same island, different country: Dominican Republic. But who knows, maybe he crossed the border?

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    ptlhed  over 14 years ago

    Pat Robertson did not say he did this but he simply applied the same biblical application as was applied to Sodom, but the difference now is the Chiristian missionaries who are now working with the Hatians to minimize the spiritual enemie’s attack on people and nations to change things for the better. Every nation, or person, faces this challenge LET US PRAY FOR EACH OTHER.

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    joecain1  over 14 years ago

    It is understandable that those such as Robertson who pretend to believe in religious mythology (God, Jesus, etc) aim to cater to a listener’s prejudices in such a way. My worry is why anyone pays attention to such people so as to share their fantasies. Limbaugh on the other hand is a callous, one-sided political hack who plays on and amplifies the frustration many of us feel about our political system, but only in a destructive, not constructive, way.

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    deadheadzan  over 14 years ago

    Robertson personifies everything that is evil and perverted in Christianity. And Oliphant has nailed it in this toon.

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    comYics  over 14 years ago

    Your lips are brown bcs, look at your picture :). My brain is just fine.

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    d_legendary1  over 14 years ago

    And despite what these two fakers are saying people are still giving these guys money to do what they do. Roberts gets donations, limpbaugh gets show subscriptions (yes,there are people dumb enough to pay for his archived shows).

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  23. Ak100
    Herbabee  over 14 years ago

    And what of Pat Robertson’s pact with former Liberian President Charles Taylor?…

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    comYics  over 14 years ago

    Im for that also Hugh Davis, ” Let us pray for each other.”

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    CorosiveFrog Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Harry Reid said much less than that (although not too bright) and people wanted his head.

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    donbeco  over 14 years ago

    So it’s agreed, Pat & Rush are self serving jerks financed by the simple minded. Old news.

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    CorosiveFrog Premium Member over 14 years ago

    O’Don is right. Laughing at Limbaugh and Robertson’s intelligence and credibility (worst oxymoron ever!) won’t help anyone in Haiti.

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    believecommonsense  over 14 years ago

    comYics, I’ll match your :) with a ;-D. Maybe I’ve judged you too quickly. I’ll clean the slate and start over. (actually my lips are sort of rose-colored)

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  29. Cathy aack Premium Member over 14 years ago

    BECOMING a sociopath? I think both of these guys crossed that line a long time ago.

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    jaxaction  over 14 years ago

    it sould me made clear: rush limbaugh( is that an amerikan name?), the draft dodger- weak back did not get AIDS in Haiti. that he got hustling for ‘sciption drugs on the lower east side NYC. mean while all hell is breaking out in the obama wars, and the media is showing us “other” things. if they do not eat the GM corn, batch for making the population sterile, then they will be admonished by the clintons/bush-IMF-mobs, next economist?) team—how dare they dismiss the “clinton” chosen one from being Prime Minister? the chorus will be “how dare they” w/in a week. why can’t john Mc Cain- who owns 17 or 18 homes offer some room?, or the catholic church? sell a few hats and crowns?

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    dbcopper  over 14 years ago

    food for thought comYics: the mentally ill rarely realize that they have a problem…

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    dbcopper  over 14 years ago

    Ken Warren: …It seems to me that that sort of God would have no trouble offing a bunch of people living on a island…

    Ken, didn’t you know that god is fat, rich, white, and republican? oh, wait a minute sorry – that’s one of those folks from radio / TV…

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  33. Jude
    tcolkett  over 14 years ago

    well, ok then. I guess we’ve exhausted this topic. I think Olbermann was correct in stating that these dead men are already in hell.

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    comYics  over 14 years ago

    dbcooper, That sounds like a line from an out of work psychiatrist.

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  35. Dscn0012
    cfimeiatpap  over 14 years ago

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  36. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Robertson seems to have a habit of ill-advised comments. From Whom does Robertson seek advice?

    Robertson’s comments were unChristian and perhaps inhuman. To the extent that there is Scriptural justification for his attitudes, to that extent is Scripture itself unjustifiable.

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    NoFearPup  over 14 years ago

    I’m no “cognitive epistemiologist”; but that sure sounds like hooey, Fritzoid. I think the better question is: “Can a saved-christian, adhering to the due demands of God, in his humanity say and do stupid things?” Bearing in mind that Jesus said he came to save the sick and the lost - I would say that Pat knows he is a sinner and would prefer not to be a sinner but is clouded in his judgement by unknown factors. Here is “Michael’s Wager”: Since we as Christians are to forgive our enemies, I shall also try to bear with the failings of my “Christian” brothers, if possible. In short your critique - based on nothing - means nothing: but love and forgiveness seeks the Truth and is more likely to find it.

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  38. Grimace
    Lt_Lanier  over 14 years ago

    As much as I dislike Robertson’s views, I don’t think Olbermann is any position to criticize himself, for he offered nothing other than a diatribe that proved equally as bitter and stupid as Robertson and Rush, and overly melodramatic. It was merely to stir the pot (because he, like the rest of the media) need the ratings, attention, and since he’s joined onto Orbitz, if not the credibility–the cash.

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  39. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 14 years ago

    Robertson, like most “evangelical TV types” is a bait and switch. A standard fare of thinly masked hate is sprinkled occasionally with “kindness” of the heart. It is a highly viable, and profitable, con. As to “overly dramatic”- have you ever watched these dudes “twist and shout”??

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  40. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member over 14 years ago

    As someone who has doubts as to the Divine provenance of Scripture, how am I to interpret biblical Truth other than by the example of its stoutest adherents?

    I do not believe in Biblical literality; I have my own interpretation. Those who believe in Biblical literality more often than not, when push comes to shove, end up espousing views such as Robertson’s. I find such positions unconscienable, not only as the Word of God but as fundamental human decency. If Robertson’s opinions are God’s opinions, then God is an Esel [Germanized to avoid the filter], and I’ll have none of Him. If Robertson is in error, then why do not Christians rise up as one to condemn his pronouncements? Why should there be apologies for him because he’s “sincere” or he “means well” or “We have doctrinal differences, but he’s doing the Lord’s work”?

    This latest atrocity is not an “ill-advised” slip of the tongue; as has been pointed out above, it is perfectly in convergence with the attitudes of a man who sets himself up as a teacher on Biblical matters, and whom millions of people refer to as an authority.

    Someone (Corosive Frog, maybe?) said that examples of Christianity such as Pat Robertson made her a Buddhist. For myself, I am tempted towards Gnosticism: If the Creator of the Universe is anything like Robertson professes, then “God” is cruel and insane, and our only hope is to bypass Him and seek out the supreme, unknowable and disinterested Being who exists beyond Him.

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  41. Grimace
    Lt_Lanier  over 14 years ago

    I have met Olbermann a few times, considering a relative of mine works with MSNBC in post production and bespeaks of dropping network ratings, and I have to agree with him, concise thoughtful investigative journalism has been replaced by negative sensationalism and punditry, and Olbermann may not be dumb, but he’s no Irving Stone or Huntley-Brinkley, Ed Murrow, or Walter Cronckite, nor is Hannity, O’Reilly, Beck, and Maddow. It’s purely ratings rants. It doesn’t show a lot of integrity from either side, and I’ve had it with either Robertson or the President calling America “arrogant, dismissive, and derisive”, particularly considering that we give 2 percent of our GDP, 250 billion anually to charities nationally and worldwide, whereas China, in this recent Haitian relief, has pledged 1 billion, despite it’s 9.8 percent economic growth in 2009. And the European Union, comprised of 27 states, has pledged 3 million. Very few people realize that Bush, in 2004, was instrumental in raising 350 million for relief in Indonesia then, and he’s doing a fine job in aiding President Clinton and Obama in this effort, and that information, which comes from public sources, is why I support public media like PBS and independents and not corporate media wigs like the aforementioned. My relative also said that a recent focus group study conducted by NBC/Universal found that people who watch half an hour network news, quick bytes, like CBS, ABC, NBC, and the cable CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, and so on suffer a higher rate of anxiety.

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    shamanu  over 14 years ago

    As Robertson and Limbaugh prove yet again; fundementalist religion is for those larvals who don’t have the balls or insight to face and embrace the mystery of existance head-on. Thank god they’re a dying breed…not fast enough of course…

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    Jason Allen  over 14 years ago

    Dying breed? It seems like religious fundamentalism is on the rise these days. They’re getting more vocal and in the Republican party at least, more powerful. They’re getting smarter at spreading they’re diseased view of God and scripture, but not getting any more enlightened.

    If I were to believe in the whole End of Days/Rapture BS, I’d say the Anti-Christ would rise to power as a Christian fundamentalist televangelist.

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