Pluggers by Rick McKee for May 30, 2014

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    hsawlrae  almost 11 years ago

    I’m only 82. I’ll take 2 warrantys.

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    flyertom  almost 11 years ago

    That’s why we go to Harbor Freight for ‘stuff’ nowadays.

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    t jacobs  almost 11 years ago

    when we bought our maytag refrigerator the salesman pushed the warranty saying “what will you do if it dies in six months?” i replied then i’ll know better than to buy another maytag won’t i?

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    neverenoughgold  almost 11 years ago

    I purchased a new Chevy pickup for one of my employees to use as a “company vehicle”. As I often did with purchases like this, the dealer brought the truck over to my building and the employee and I looked it over and gave the dealer the approval. The rep handed my the invoice and I cut the check.At the time, the GM warranty was 12/12000 and a problem developed with the transfer case (it was 4wd) after about 2 years and 20,000 plus miles, and the truck was dropped off at the dealer for repair. When I picked it up after the repair was complete, I was expecting a significant repair bill. The total on the bill was $100, and I asked the clerk why. She said, “Well, you have the extended warranty, and $100 is the deductible.”After returning to my office with the truck, I dug out the original papers and sure enough, I had purchased the extended warranty! As I recall, this is the only time I actually paid for the extended warranty and received a benefit!

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    JanLC  almost 11 years ago

    Extended warranties are the biggest scam in the marketplace.

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    Diane Lee Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    At 70, I figure I have 15-20 more years, which sounds like forever, until I remember that the turn of the century seems like it happened last month. When I purchased a TV, they offered a year’s warranty on it. I answered " Do you have a warranty on that front window?" The clerk replied with a confused “no, why?” My answer was " Because if this TV needs repair when it’s less than a year old, I’m throwing it through that window."

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    LuvThemPluggers  almost 11 years ago

    We bought the first extended warranty last year on an over-the-range microwave. The reason is, we read “everywhere” that microwaves are now all made in Asian countries and often don’t last a year. We bought the warranty and sure enough, had the repairman out several times in the first few months. It seems to be holding now, but if it poops out, they give us a new one (lifetime.)

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    fixer1967  almost 11 years ago

    I just learned something at work about extended warranties. I always thought that an extended warranty ran back to back with the factory warranty like so. If you bought something now with a 2 year factory warranty and also got a 2 year extended warranty that would give you a total of 4 years of coverage. I just learned that most all extended warranties in fact DO NOT run in series but in fact they run in parallel with the factory warranty. So the 2 year factory warranty and the 2 year extended warranty still only gives you a total of 2 years of coverage not 4 like you would think. By extended warranty they really mean it covers things that the factory warranty may not cover like abuse. Just had a pressure washer that the customer melted the pump by running dry. The factory warranty will not cover such a thing but seeing as they bought the extended warranty they are getting a new pump for free.

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