Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for January 29, 2010

  1. Lady with a bow
    ejcapulet  about 15 years ago


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  2. Wonder woman
    funnyfan928  about 15 years ago

    Way to go Cathy!!

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  3. Cathyfacepalm
    lightenup Premium Member about 15 years ago

    Good try, Cathy, but I’m not sure you want him in this state.

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  4. Missing large
    puddleglum1066  about 15 years ago

    Umm, Cathy… if you’re trying to disable his smart CELL PHONE, unplugging the in-home Wi-Fi ain’t gonna do it.

    Meanwhile, he’s using his iPhone to disable your mall charge cards…

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  5. Whatwouldblue
    mrslukeskywalker  about 15 years ago

    How does the thing work in public if it’s dependent on a home router?

    Irving is dependent on wifEY. She’s the one paying all the bills. It isn’t any of his business what she does with her mall cards.

    And why is she wearing that sausage casing? How did the saleswoman/waitress talk her into that one?

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  6. 00000
    alondra  about 15 years ago

    The saleswoman can talk her into anything. But if she thinks she looks sexy in that she better think again.

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  7. Lonelemming
    Ernest Lemmingway  about 15 years ago

    @mrslukeskywalker: most wireless devices have the ability to tap automatically into any public (non-secure) WiFi network they can detect, including many cell phone networks. Of course only an utter IDIOT would dare use those for truly sensitive things like paying bills or sending information like social security numbers, credit card numbers, or checking account PINs–at least without some sort of encryption program, and even then it’s not worth the risk IMO (and I’m a systems admin, so I know a lot of the tricks hackers use to get at such; you can never be too paranoid about Internet/wireless security).

    As much as I feel for Irving (at least until I’ve read my daily comics) I have to applaud Cathy’s ingenuity. Sometimes the best solutions are also the simplest.

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    Jeffpaul  about 15 years ago

    I like this new storyline/running gag a lot–much funnier than the (admittedly funny) shopping and weight gain gags.

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