You know, denis1112, this is a comic strip. What is the point of venting here? If you have something to say, go to one of the political comics and engage in debate. And/or write a letter to the editor of your local paper. Of course, that takes effort and just spoiling the comics for everyone takes no effort.
NoSleepTil_BKLYN over 10 years ago
Then go on and get to it!
jtviper7 over 10 years ago
Skin so Soft by Avon…The best mosquitoes repellent…
SunflowerGirl100 over 10 years ago
You know, denis1112, this is a comic strip. What is the point of venting here? If you have something to say, go to one of the political comics and engage in debate. And/or write a letter to the editor of your local paper. Of course, that takes effort and just spoiling the comics for everyone takes no effort.
dflak over 10 years ago
So that’s what happens to lawyers when they fall on hard times?
MrRobots over 10 years ago
But, but, wait!!!But the economy is getting better.Employment is on the rise.And this obama-nation ain’t fit for flies..
spaced man spliff over 10 years ago
Will bite someone for food-or Will, bite someone for food.-See how a little comma can change things.