Win, Lose, Drew by Drew Litton for June 19, 2014

  1. Pig
    jonesb  over 10 years ago

    PC BS!

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    timtribbett  over 10 years ago

    Agreed. PC bull

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    moderateisntleft  over 10 years ago

    No, they are both racist AND both products of their generations. The term ā€œredskinā€ has been offense to Native Americans ALWAYS, but old white guys just donā€™t notice or care.

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    klr562  over 10 years ago

    Its amazing how only whites are depicted as racist.

    It has always been my experience the first one to play the race card is usually the bigger racist. and we all know which ethic group is fast on the draw when it comes to the race card. They even accuse their own of being racist this the do not follow the ā€˜communitiesā€™ agenda.

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    igor  over 10 years ago

    I think the funniest thing about this controversy is that thereā€™s a high school on the Navajo reservation in Arizona: Red Mesa High School. They call themselves the Redskins. Iā€™d have a lot more sympathy for those who say the name is derogatory if this high school quit calling themselves the Redskins.

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  6. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  over 10 years ago

    You make some good points. Of course Jesse Jackson is racist. So is Mel Gibson. KKK members? You have to be a racist to gain membership. Do we handle this differently in different circumstances? Of course. Is it fair? Not in the slightest.

    The Dixie Chicks stated that they were embarrassed that Dubya came from the same state they did. Result? Banishment from radio, records broken, concert venues deleted.

    Ted Nugent gives the double one-finger salute to both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Offers to shoot them. Threatens that if Mr. Obama is reelected, heā€™ll end up in jail. Consequences? He becomes the darling of Fox News.

    Just another example of the unexplainables in American society.

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    phoenixnyc  over 10 years ago

    Isnā€™t Snyder drawn too tall?

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    phoenixnyc  over 10 years ago

    ā€œObamaā€ did no such thing. The PTO revoked the trademark in response to a complaint filed with themā€”just as they did the LAST time this came up, about a decade or so before Obama was elected..But enjoy your wallow in persecution.

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  9. Green d18 sided dice
    TripleAxel  over 10 years ago

    Even today a majority of native americans does not find the Redskins logo disparaging. But it does make the politically fashionable crowd feel superior when they can pick other people out as racist.

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  10. Pirate jim
    ulopear2  over 10 years ago
    . . . and just how PC are all the ā€œold white guyā€ references . . ? ? ?
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    phoenixnyc  over 10 years ago

    Thank you SO much for giving me the mental image of Harry Reid in a miniskirtā€¦

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