LIFE is a magazine. Or was. Do they still publish it?
Fun fact: in “Hitchhiker’s Guide” we learn that the answer to the great question of life, the universe, and everything is “42,” and that the mice who created Earth as a form of computer to figure out the answer then realized they didn’t know what the great question itself was. By one of the later books (“Life, the Universe, etc,,” I think) they learn that the question was, “what do you get when you multiply six by nine?” Which, of course, doesn’t give 42 (6 times 9 = 54)…. unless you work in base thirteen. (4 × 13=52, + 4 = 54, = 6 × 9).
Demonstrating that the essential constant of our universe is in fact thirteen… which explains a lot about the universe, doesn’t it?
@puddleglum1066: Correction to your fun fact: The Earth was the super-computer created by the mice with the intent of figuring out what the QUESTION is to which 42 is the answer. The Vogons destroy Earth (to make way for their hyper-space by-pass) mere seconds before it delivers the question (Earth has finished the computation, and is about to deliver the question when the Vogons destroy the planet).
@Dana Simpson: I’ve always wondered: Since Llewellyn speaks in a Black Letter font, would he, if voiced, have an appropriate accent? If so, do you imagine it as “Old English” or some sort of “High German”, or something else? I’ve always thought of it as English, something along the line of what an eccentric upper-crust pedant might sound like.
rexvivat over 10 years ago
I’m not sure why so many people go so far to find that. It’s in every dictionary I looked into up to this day.
nerdhoof over 10 years ago
It’s a Monty Python movie.
puddleglum1066 over 10 years ago
LIFE is a magazine. Or was. Do they still publish it?
Fun fact: in “Hitchhiker’s Guide” we learn that the answer to the great question of life, the universe, and everything is “42,” and that the mice who created Earth as a form of computer to figure out the answer then realized they didn’t know what the great question itself was. By one of the later books (“Life, the Universe, etc,,” I think) they learn that the question was, “what do you get when you multiply six by nine?” Which, of course, doesn’t give 42 (6 times 9 = 54)…. unless you work in base thirteen. (4 × 13=52, + 4 = 54, = 6 × 9).
Demonstrating that the essential constant of our universe is in fact thirteen… which explains a lot about the universe, doesn’t it?
Neo Stryder over 10 years ago
HA, I wanna hear his explanation.
Darwinskeeper over 10 years ago
And here I always thought that Life was a bland, if somewhat sweet, breakfast cereal.
Simon_Jester over 10 years ago
It’s a board game, basically a rip-off of Monopoly
Hag5000 over 10 years ago
Let’s hear it Lew.
Tandembuzz over 10 years ago
@puddleglum1066: Correction to your fun fact: The Earth was the super-computer created by the mice with the intent of figuring out what the QUESTION is to which 42 is the answer. The Vogons destroy Earth (to make way for their hyper-space by-pass) mere seconds before it delivers the question (Earth has finished the computation, and is about to deliver the question when the Vogons destroy the planet).
Tandembuzz over 10 years ago
@Dana Simpson: I’ve always wondered: Since Llewellyn speaks in a Black Letter font, would he, if voiced, have an appropriate accent? If so, do you imagine it as “Old English” or some sort of “High German”, or something else? I’ve always thought of it as English, something along the line of what an eccentric upper-crust pedant might sound like.