The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for September 22, 2019
Caesar: I met someone the other day with "Re-Vitiugo." Huey: "Re-Vitiugo"? You mean like, the Michael Jackson disease? Caesar: Actually, it's the opposite of the Michael Jackson disease. Instead of getting lighter, your skin gets blacker. The person I saw who had it was so black she made Wesley Snipes look like Colin Powell. Huey: Wow. I never heard of that. Who had it? Caesar: Your mother. Caesar: I have no regrets.
kaffekup over 5 years ago
Forgive me for asking, but shouldn’t that be “Yo’ Mama”?
e.groves over 5 years ago
I laughed at that, but I don’t know why.
Ellis97 over 5 years ago
Or good old Uncle Ruckus.
jstauff2072 over 5 years ago
I’d have done the same, Huey. Good for you!
Teto85 Premium Member over 5 years ago
Michael Jackson was bleaching.
TracyKlujian over 5 years ago
How is that an insult?
bookworm0812 over 5 years ago
I have vitiligo. For the record, I’m Caucasian, but in the summer when the parts of my skin that still have pigment darken, it’s noticeable. It’s just in my hands. But I’m really self-conscious about it.
bakana over 5 years ago
If the lead up into a “Yo Mamma” goes on long enough, it begins to wander over into “Shaggy Dog Story” territory.
For those unfamiliar with the “Shaggy Dog Story”, it’s a long, winding joke that usually starts something like: “Did I ever tell you about the time my cousin Ernie got a job in Saudi Arabia?” and 5 or 10 minutes later ends with something like: “… and that was when the Fit hit the Shan.”