The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for April 21, 2020
April 20, 2020
April 22, 2020
Huey: You can't lecture people on morals and then get caught in a sex scandal. It's hypocritical. Riley: I agree. Huey: I can't stand hypocrisy. Riley: I can't stand morals.
Carl Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Guess which one will have a career in politics?
jpayne4040 almost 5 years ago
It seems like whenever we meet someone like Riley we want to elect them to political office or hire them as CEO of our companies!
mattro65 almost 5 years ago
A lot of people secretly wish they had the balls to be bad. The romantic image of the outlaw lives on.
Ellis97 almost 5 years ago
So much for learning something before it’s done.
Prey almost 5 years ago
Even those from Calatrava, Riley?
bakana almost 5 years ago
Good old Riley.
Always taking the other side. Even if he doesn’t know what it Is.
STACEY MARSHALL Premium Member almost 5 years ago
The one thing that I can’t tolerate is intolerant people!