Granddad: Well, it looks like Martha Stewart is actually going to jail... Finally, it'll be safe to walk the streets at night.
…but Perdue and Loeffler did worse and are free….
And unemployed, though closer than it should have been. Even so, thank you Georgia.
Stewart? She’s always scaring me.
They went after Martha so they could say “See, we do jail Wall Street criminals”, without bothering any of their corporate masters.
You’re nuts.
May 07, 2018
feverjr Premium Member about 4 years ago
…but Perdue and Loeffler did worse and are free….
GiantShetlandPony about 4 years ago
And unemployed, though closer than it should have been. Even so, thank you Georgia.
Ellis97 about 4 years ago
Stewart? She’s always scaring me.
Cozmik Cowboy about 4 years ago
They went after Martha so they could say “See, we do jail Wall Street criminals”, without bothering any of their corporate masters.
WilliamDoerfler about 4 years ago
You’re nuts.