Movie: It's nobody's business but ours. You boys sure found a way to make the time pass up there. I wish I knew how to quit you! Thomas: Get off of him! Granddad: THat's not manly! That's very not manly! Granddad and Tom enjoy "Brokeback Mountain."
GirlGeek Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Algolei I almost 4 years ago
Are they gonna EAT that popcorn or just fondle it?
Ellis97 almost 4 years ago
Nowadays, people would be okay with what they see.
kaffekup almost 4 years ago
And they’re still sitting there…
PrestoPrestigo almost 4 years ago
ROFLMAO I have an extreme-right uncle who went to see a movie that, for reasons I will NEVER understand, he was CONVINCED was about undercover cops or something. This despite being well aware what it was called and I watched him watch the trailer at least once.
It was “To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar”
He was not at ALL amused. But I was.
kd1sq Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Actually, I gotta wonder – are black heterosexuals more biased against gays than white heteros are? I seem to remember a study that made that claim. Cultural thing.
Now, me, I’m color agnostic but can anyone shed light on this? Old wives tale or grain of truth? Be nice to get facts.
BTW, this story arc is funny. Very funny.
WilliamDoerfler almost 4 years ago