The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for March 13, 2021
March 12, 2021
March 14, 2021
Ruckus: You see, kids, what "King Kong" teaches us is that no matter how much we may want us a white woman, there's some things that's just against the laws of nature...
What King Kong teaches us is that the media’s hunt for the story has no moral limits, can’t leave well enough alone and leads to disaster for others that they profit off of.
After 200 years of being treated like crap, Black Men strive to be winners in life. Winners have stuff, big cars big jewelry and the biggest prize of all a curvy blonde white woman. Yeah Yeah I know that’s racist as heck. Now I will go eat my cheese sandwich on Wonder Bread with extra Mayo. My first Black Uncle wore 6 rings gold chains drove a 1970 Pontiac Grand Prix sold Cocaine and cheated on my Aunt. He was my Uncle Ruckus.
TexTech almost 4 years ago
And despite what you say, that is not one of them.
Pharmakeus Ubik almost 4 years ago
You can rely on Ruckus, wrong every time.
AutumnLeaves1 almost 4 years ago
Anyone else looking forward to the new King Kong & Godzilla movie being shown on HBO Max starting March 21st?
Ellis97 almost 4 years ago
Good old Uncle Ruckus.
Cozmik Cowboy almost 4 years ago
Quoth the great Richard Pryor:
“Never marry a white woman in California. Yeah, I hear you sisters out there: ’Don’t marry a white woman anywhere!’ Sh*t, why should you be happy?”
dadlivonia almost 4 years ago
These last few strips have been SOOOO offensive. Yes, I know it is written by an African American gentleman.
Thinkingblade almost 4 years ago
What King Kong teaches us is that the media’s hunt for the story has no moral limits, can’t leave well enough alone and leads to disaster for others that they profit off of.
BeniHanna6 Premium Member almost 4 years ago
So Uncle Ruckus, just what is your problem with African women?
WilliamDoerfler almost 4 years ago
Kick him in the nads!
Ammosexual is loving #47 in Office again. Premium Member almost 4 years ago
After 200 years of being treated like crap, Black Men strive to be winners in life. Winners have stuff, big cars big jewelry and the biggest prize of all a curvy blonde white woman. Yeah Yeah I know that’s racist as heck. Now I will go eat my cheese sandwich on Wonder Bread with extra Mayo. My first Black Uncle wore 6 rings gold chains drove a 1970 Pontiac Grand Prix sold Cocaine and cheated on my Aunt. He was my Uncle Ruckus.