The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for December 01, 2022
TV: More controversy surrounding Bob Jones University today - the school whose ban on inter-racial dating drew criticism to the Bush campaign when he spoke there weeks ago. Today, presidential hopeful Alan Keyes was beaten by Bob Jones University security as he arrived to speak at the school. It seems a white female aide was mistaken for a girlfriend. Keyes: It was my fault. I should have been more careful! I feel much better! Really!! End affirmative action!! TV: University officials refused to apologize for the beating, saying: "hey, it looked to us like he was violating God's will by dating a white lady. Better safe than sorry." Keyes returned to give his speech after agreeing to "keep his distance from the white women" and keep "eyeballing" to a minimum.
Mugens Premium Member over 2 years ago
I remember those days when Keyes and Bob Jones University was in the news. Can’t say after all these years things have gotten any better.
Ellis97 over 2 years ago
Hey Bob Jones University! You can’t tell people who they can and can’t love! Nor can you forbid it! If you think you can, that’s awfully petty of you.
RonnieAThompson Premium Member over 2 years ago Have a great day my friends.
Ellis97 over 2 years ago
A school that forbids interracial love? That’s awfully petty.
SofaKing Premium Member over 2 years ago
Is this strip from 2022?
kaffekup over 2 years ago
If only this were satire…
1JennyJenkins over 2 years ago
I’ve often thought that comic strip authors are modern day prophets.
Their sense of humor is what the kind of prognostications prophets of the olden days made.
GreggW Premium Member over 2 years ago
Obama was sooo lucky to have him as his Repub opponent when he first ran for the US Senate.
GreggW Premium Member over 2 years ago
Wonder if Keyes was the basis for Uncle Ruckus?