Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for August 31, 2014

  1. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  over 10 years ago

    “Wet’s Wrong With This Picture”“Bloke On The Water” (♫)“Bath Is A Dirty Word”“When Gravity Lets You Down”“Puddles And The Puddle”“Rub A Dub Don’t”“The Waiting Game”“H 2 Oh, No!”or“Water You Waiting For?”

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    Templo S.U.D.  over 10 years ago

    When has there ever been a comic strip dog that does enjoy getting a bath?

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    JayBluE  over 10 years ago

    It’d be better if it were “original Ninja Warrior”. Then they’d be laughing at Luann and Puddles in two languages!…

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    JayBluE  over 10 years ago

    “Brought to you” by…. – the Chumba finish… From Wumba bath resurfacing…. “Now you don’t have to thump your tub …cos it won’t be ugly, anymore!” – Winnie… The Shampoo… “It gets into tangles!” “…Uh, we’re still working on the rest…” “…Now in new Honey scent!” – and by…Rubber Ducky Cola… “Great taste any time… even in the bath!…. If you don’t mind the bubbles…..”

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    JayBluE  over 10 years ago

    One time you can really say: “Quit your bellyachin’!”

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    JayBluE  over 10 years ago

    Yeah! Because Puddles can’t stand onions….

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    JayBluE  over 10 years ago

    Could be! – Or it could remind him of the one time he was in the ocean… and found a Rock Lobster. Either that, or the narwhal… or the “giant clam”…

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    JayBluE  over 10 years ago

    LOL! Pretty much….

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    ShagsCA  over 10 years ago

    Hey, Pud — where’d you get those opposable thumbs to hold onto the drapes like that?

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    Lyons Group, Inc.  over 10 years ago

    I’ve been reading this strip for a long time and while every cast member has evolved, Puddles has always remain thesame.

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    Sisyphos  over 10 years ago

    I see Puddles is bridging over troubled waters in a vain attempt to avoid his bath. Why does he so dislike it (true of some dogs, but not all)? Luann must inevitably win this contest of wills and wits….

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    ErrorMessage  over 10 years ago

    I could see Shannon in place of Puddles here… Luann seems to care for them both in the same way.

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    reedkomicks Premium Member over 10 years ago

    The DeGroot household could use a little updating. All those drab uncoordinated colors..

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    JohnRPelt  over 10 years ago

    I recently had to bury my cat, so it’s good to see a simple, pains of pet ownership gag strip.

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    Gokie5  over 10 years ago

    We had a cat that was afraid of men (except for part-of-family types). When a man he regarded as a stranger came to call, Kitty Boy would disappear inside an old couch we had in the Florida room.

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    JayBluE  over 10 years ago

    Ha ha ha ha!!!!!!

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  17. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  over 10 years ago

    LOL! Just another “Pleasant Valley Sunday”….

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  18. Waterfall
    platechick  over 10 years ago

    Funniest AFV ever was the guy walking to the tub carrying the Golden Retriever who was desperately trying to grab the door jambs and anything else to stop the process!

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    ai_vin  over 10 years ago

    Right, in real life the hard part is getting the dog to come OUT of the water.

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    Rista  over 10 years ago

    Have had 3 small dogs who hated baths. Found a simple method to get them into the water. Grab dog, flip him over feet up, insert dog in water butt first. Scrub dog, let dog loose in back yard to roll in something nasty.Towel myself dry.

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  over 10 years ago


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    reedkomicks Premium Member over 10 years ago

    I flag it every time and yet nothing is done. Why is this allowed?-My understanding is that there has to be 2 or more people flagging.

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  23. Mouse5
    ORMouseworks  over 10 years ago

    IS Katie is no fan of water! We get her professionally groomed once a month, so no chasing about the house to find her and “try” to give her a bath! ;)

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  24. Dd2001gv
    DevilDog2001 Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    My dog is the same way.

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