Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for March 06, 2010
Cathy: $395 on "brain enhancing supplements"?? What happened to our "tight budgetary leash"?? Irving: I released myself to go get one little bottle of memory-boosting omega-3s. Before I knew it, remedies were flying at me from all directions! "Ginkgo biloba"! "Blueberry powder"! "Matcha green tea"! "Huperzine A"! "Coenzyme Q10"! "Guarana"! "Phosphatidyl serine"! I couldn't avoid them!! Vivian: When humans go "off leash", they always run right into traffic.
legaleagle48 almost 15 years ago
Don’t you roll your eyes at Irving, Ms. “I can’t live five minutes without shopping at the mall!” You’re just as obsessive-compulsive as he is, just about different things. After all, who was it who just last week went into a total meltdown over all the different cosmetics that she wanted in order to erase a few years off her face?
ejcapulet almost 15 years ago
Let the dogs swat him with newspapers!
funnyfan928 almost 15 years ago
Irving’s dog Vivian makes a very good point. Don’t we all “run right into traffic” doing the holiday shopping?
Plods with ...™ almost 15 years ago
summerdog86 almost 15 years ago
He’ll get a belly ache from all that stuff…..or the runs.
3hourtour Premium Member almost 15 years ago’s got problems…
Jascat almost 15 years ago
The dog has more common sense than the two of them put together…lol
lightenup Premium Member almost 15 years ago
At least she’s trying to curb her spending. While Cathy was at the mall last week, I don’t recall her buying anything. It was the saleswoman who was going nutso. I will admit that I do get a little carried away with supplements, but they do make me feel better and I have more energy, so it’s worth it to me.
mrslukeskywalker almost 15 years ago
Holy mackerles, BFF, I was going to say out of the mouths of dogs come words of wisdom.
Alrighty, let me come up with another one then.
If he HAD a brain, the enhancing supplements might be a worthwhile purchase, but unfortunately, Irving using them is as useless as Gollum buying an “exotic dance” pole to attract a mate.