Captain Eddie: Whoa... What's this all about, Flo? Flo: I just want to prevent ahguments breakin' out in heah. Eddie: Well, that's tramplin' on my rights!! Flo: What?! Since when have you been... Oh... Baseball isn't a religion, Eddie. Eddie: Blasphemy!!
pouncingtiger almost 15 years ago
One woman’s trash, is a man’s treasure.
GROG Premium Member almost 15 years ago
The Church of Baseball of the Red Sox faith.
Ooops! Premium Member almost 15 years ago
Oh boy, here it comes.
*Space Madness at The Station* almost 15 years ago
Is this Heaven? No, it’s Iowa.
Wildmustang1262 almost 15 years ago
Ahhhhhhh, Hallelujahhhhh! Behold the Lord! Amen!
parethed almost 15 years ago
…And he spake of the Seventh Inning stretch, and it was good…yea, verily…
lewisbower almost 15 years ago
Ye who doesn’t believith in the Red Sox faith (i.e. those devil worshipers in the Empire State) will be doomed for eternity behind a pole behind the Green Monster.
Book of the curse of the bambino.wndrwrthg almost 15 years ago
I shall now read to you from the Book of Ruth…
ronaldmundy almost 15 years ago
ye of red sox faith, beware the goat.
GROG Premium Member almost 15 years ago
Beware the devil in pin stripes.
pearlandpeach almost 15 years ago
Mom quit watching the World Series when it went to nighttime games..
said it wasn’t baseball anymore….
I’m a no-watcher at any time.
royman53 almost 15 years ago
And on the seventh day God created Fenway, and He saw that it was good.
asog almost 15 years ago
Then the apocalypse, my Cubs win another World Series.
WaitingMan almost 15 years ago
kittenpah almost 15 years ago
Sorry, all we’ve got is the Mariners. Doesn’t quite make a conversation, much less a religion.
Allan CB Premium Member almost 15 years ago
The Church of Hockey, of the Maple Leafs Faithful would always have a full house, and make a LOT of money! haha
joefish25 almost 15 years ago
lewreader…. i was born in ny and my dad was cousin with one of the yankees. can you ever forgive me? by the way, i have a Ted Williams autograph, so there may be a saving grace in there somewhere for me, but I doubt it. :)
celeconecca almost 15 years ago
Baseball is in the Bible - “In the Big Inning…”
thetraveller4 almost 15 years ago
Baseball is devil worship… the only TRUE religion is hockey!
ChazNCenTex almost 15 years ago
Celecca made me laugh - thanks.
As for Flo’s sign…….Amen!
cleokaya almost 15 years ago
So explain the Devil Rays?
gjsjr41 almost 15 years ago
This discussion could go extra innings,…….or a shoot-out.
AddADadaAdDad almost 15 years ago
Well I, for one, believe in Angels…
durtclaw almost 15 years ago
Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS THE YEAR!
lazygrazer almost 15 years ago
If baseball isn’t a religion, how come it makes so much money boring people to sleep??
vexatron1984 almost 15 years ago
Was that sign inspired by some of the people here Wiley?
I may live clear across the states now, but I still stick with the Dodgers!
Ushindi almost 15 years ago
God bless you, vexatron1984, and Tommy Lasorda, too. Dodger Blue forever!
cmugnier almost 15 years ago
Note that LSU is still #1.
Trebor39 almost 15 years ago
And the Red Wings shall rule heaven and earth with hockey sticks in hand, and Stanley shall be theirs forever!
DevXIII almost 15 years ago
@Chikuku: if the right-wing get their way everything WILL be religion & anyone who says otherwise gets 1 year in prison.
AddADadaAdDad almost 15 years ago
If everything were religion that might just be okay if I could get the tax-exempt status too.
AKHenderson Premium Member almost 15 years ago
Now we know what gets Cap’n Eddie’s dander up.
“Baseball is devil worship… the only TRUE religion is hockey!”
Oh yeah?
bmonk almost 15 years ago
“In the big inning, God created Heaven on Earth. And it was without form, and void. God separated the dirt from the grass. He called the grass Outfield and the dirt He called Infield. God made the Infield a 90-foot square and the Outfield not less than 400 feet to center and 320 feet down the lines. He declared this Fair Territory. All other territory, God then declared, was Foul….” (Glenn Birkemeier)
Remember, Eve stole first, Adam stole second, but then God threw them both out. Cain struck out Abel, and the Prodigal Son came home. Then too, the Giants and the Angels were rained out.
artybee almost 15 years ago
I was watching a fight once, and a hockey game broke out. The only thing more boring is soccer.
kfaatz925 almost 15 years ago
Baseball, hockey… can I get a vote for curling?
Varnes almost 15 years ago
The Tigers will suck again this year…
jasc almost 15 years ago
Greetings & best wishes to Wiley from Australia, I love your well-draughted pen & ink style & your astute observations. Needless to say I read your comix Religiously! BTW the most boring sport of which you are thankfully spared in your part of the world is cricket. Cricket IS a religion & it is the most tedious, snobbish, incomprehensible & endless form of perdition imaginable (matches go for 3-4 days under a hot sun, with all the action of a chess match). There are no fights, just quiet racial vilification & the occaisonal hit to a thick skull or shin-bone of a lead-centred, leather coated ball thrown at full force up to a speed of 90 mph. There!! I’ve included Religion, post-colonial elitism, racism & violence. Best wishes again to Wiley .. & to all the diverse commentators!
JimmyBalloons almost 15 years ago
I grew up in Cleveland, live in New York, and thanks to the job, the only ball park I’ve ever been on the field was Fenway….. I’m so confused!!!
GROG Premium Member almost 15 years ago
Football, then baseball. Everything else ranks a very distant dead last.
fredbuhl almost 15 years ago
The Dodgers, since Brooklyn
wrmswt almost 15 years ago
Oh shoot, it’s time to change my little picture thingy,is that an alobar, no that’s a measurement of time, anyway, to a pitchers mound. ‘87, ‘91 maybe we’ll get the yank’s this year.
JP Steve Premium Member almost 15 years ago
Sticky wicket, jasc!
ccmills almost 15 years ago
Jasc - you forgot to let people know that even though a cricket test match can go for five days - it can still end in a draw.
But baseball - America - home of the world series where there are how many countries playing?
TAZFAN almost 15 years ago
Vexatron1984 and Ushindi—I too bleed Dodger blue–
Dodgers Forever!