My mother told me a story about back when they had pay toilets. She and her cousin were “in distress” but didn’t have any money, so they crawled under the door (ew, ew, EW). The owner of the place saw them and stood outside the stall with a stick and wouldn’t let them out, he kept whacking them. My grandparents finally tracked down my mother in there, and the owner just kept yelling, “They crawl under door like the snakes, they get beaten with stick like the snakes!!”
leakysqueaky712 almost 15 years ago
Right curtain slightly above picture frame.
GM Marguerite & Montana Lady.
MontanaLady almost 15 years ago
I found it too.
Good morning, Leakysqueaky712. Should be another glorious day in the neighborhood! It got up to 50 yesterday!
margueritem almost 15 years ago
It’s Burl, it’s Burl! GMLS and ML!
leakysqueaky712 almost 15 years ago
I love cool weather Montanalady.
I keep my house on 66%
I think my body would decompose if I kept in the 70’s. lol
MontanaLady almost 15 years ago
GM Margueritem!
grapfhics almost 15 years ago
now, isn’t that a drape? Morning you, nightowls.
GROG Premium Member almost 15 years ago
Is natural gas lumpy?
“Run Silent, Run Deep” is an awesome submarine flick.
JerryGorton almost 15 years ago
That movie title is appropriate, as usual. I thought the noismaker was Ma.
McGehee almost 15 years ago
That infamous public-restroom rhyme has it backwards. It’s far more heartbreaking to expect only noise and get substance along with it.
Nighthawks Premium Member almost 15 years ago
she who smelt it dealt it
COWBOY7 almost 15 years ago
TMI, Grog! Why did I stop here?!
bald almost 15 years ago
i have to agree with Grog, it was an excellent movie.
Ashrey almost 15 years ago
Run Silent, Run Deep. Hilarious. Silent and squishy means accident.
fredb49 almost 15 years ago
It was the dog I swear it was
MisngNOLA almost 15 years ago
Noisemaker? It’s that brown thing with the glass screen in the middle of it, right? What do I win?
leakysqueaky712 almost 15 years ago
I heard that quite a long time ago they used to have pay toilets. What was that poem??
Here I sit broken hearted Paid a nickle and only **rted. :-((((
WallyCuppaJoe almost 15 years ago
With Run Silent Run Deep on the TV. I’m hoping the noise might have been a depth charge.
Tomsmomma almost 15 years ago
My mother told me a story about back when they had pay toilets. She and her cousin were “in distress” but didn’t have any money, so they crawled under the door (ew, ew, EW). The owner of the place saw them and stood outside the stall with a stick and wouldn’t let them out, he kept whacking them. My grandparents finally tracked down my mother in there, and the owner just kept yelling, “They crawl under door like the snakes, they get beaten with stick like the snakes!!”
GROG Premium Member almost 15 years ago
Joe-Allen “Joe” Doty, I saw that movie in the theatre when it was first released. I’m glad I didn’t see it in plane over the ocean, though.