UshindiThat was before peanut allergy became a status thing. Back then, kids were given peanuts as a normal part of childhood (a depression and then a war required a meat substitute) and so built up an immunity. With affluence, one no longer survived on “goober peas” and the immunity was never developed. And none dare call it child abuse.
Strod over 9 years ago
Ha! This one made me LOL literally!
DDrazen over 9 years ago
“A boy’s will is the wind’s will …”
kab2rb over 9 years ago
Joe does not like peanut butter oh my unsure if he has allergies to peanuts. The older brother saved Joe from torture.
Argy.Bargy2 over 9 years ago
If this comic had been about Ruthie, there would be 80 posts here right now, telling us she’s nothing but a Drama Queen.
But the kid who’s all upset is Joe, so it’s ok, I guess. Double standards…
hippogriff over 9 years ago
argy.bargy2Frequency has a lot to do with the judgement.
Sailor46 USN 65-95 over 9 years ago
I would’ve picked Ice Cream as the Magic Food to increase Growth!
Ushindi over 9 years ago
A kid that hates peanut butter?
hippogriff over 9 years ago
UshindiThat was before peanut allergy became a status thing. Back then, kids were given peanuts as a normal part of childhood (a depression and then a war required a meat substitute) and so built up an immunity. With affluence, one no longer survived on “goober peas” and the immunity was never developed. And none dare call it child abuse.