The “Commala” is a dance from Stephen King’s Dark Tower (Wolves of the Calla), and yes, it does basically mean “Come all ya.” It also has some other connotations less suitable to speak of.
Kamala Harris California’s junior senator. Her mother is from India; her father from Jamaica. Not what most folks think of when you say Asian-American or African-American. :)
Argy.Bargy2 almost 8 years ago
Grandpa needs to pick vocabulary words that are friendlier to young ears…
LightWarriorK almost 8 years ago
The “Commala” is a dance from Stephen King’s Dark Tower (Wolves of the Calla), and yes, it does basically mean “Come all ya.” It also has some other connotations less suitable to speak of.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] almost 8 years ago
Willi discovers a new kind of smell on today’s strip.
JPuzzleWhiz almost 8 years ago
Also the name of a former then-WWF wrestler.
CalLadyQED almost 8 years ago
Kamala Harris California’s junior senator. Her mother is from India; her father from Jamaica. Not what most folks think of when you say Asian-American or African-American. :)