If she got an Ace, it might be a difficult decision on whether to take another card or not. An 11-count Ace would give her 21, but another card, counting the Ace as a 1, and less than a ten-count card, would still be under 21, but would give her a five-card hand, which the way we played 21, would be a double pay-out, as long as she beat the Dealer’s hand…
Gambling involves far more than simple mathematical properties. Gamblers use a great deal of social psychology to read their fellow players. It can give winners and losers quite an education.
jagedlo over 3 years ago
Trying your hand at Twenty-One, huh, Ruthie?
Purple People Eater over 3 years ago
see, Ruthie, arithmetic is useful.
MS72 over 3 years ago
wtepps over 3 years ago
Ruthie, NEVER hit on a 20!
tcayer over 3 years ago
In Vegas, they call that card counting…
rlaker22j over 3 years ago
all kids should be taught poker
ChessPirate over 3 years ago
If she got an Ace, it might be a difficult decision on whether to take another card or not. An 11-count Ace would give her 21, but another card, counting the Ace as a 1, and less than a ten-count card, would still be under 21, but would give her a five-card hand, which the way we played 21, would be a double pay-out, as long as she beat the Dealer’s hand…
globalenterprize1990 over 3 years ago
Playing Monopoly taught me how to make change.
jr1234 over 3 years ago
Sailor46 USN 65-95 over 3 years ago
Gambling involves far more than simple mathematical properties. Gamblers use a great deal of social psychology to read their fellow players. It can give winners and losers quite an education.