Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for March 13, 2010
Captain Eddie: Uh-oh... Today is Satahday the 13th! Play it safe and stay away from buttahnut squash today. Joe Pyle: OK... Why do we need to avoid butternut squash today, Eddie? Eddie: It all stahted when a noth-eastah suddenly blew in... Joe: Sigh... When am I gonna learn? Flo: I was wonderin' the same thing, deah.
GROG Premium Member almost 15 years ago
So am I.
Ooops! Premium Member almost 15 years ago
Me too!
Pacejv almost 15 years ago
Ok crew, I’m saying it: He’s Dotty!. (Wait for fireworks!)
wndrwrthg almost 15 years ago
Well at least Eddies rambling stories are entertaining.
cleokaya almost 15 years ago
Buttahnut squash, Noth -Eastah, Sunday Mahnin tahm change. It should be obvious.
Kiba65 almost 15 years ago
All Eddie has to do is plant the seed…
glslightning almost 15 years ago
Shades of Pogo!!!
madKanga almost 15 years ago
I hope he never does learn.
Looking forward to this one, WM.
wicky almost 15 years ago
We have met the enemy and he is us.
Silentknight7 almost 15 years ago
I figured that if he was going to ask, he wanted to hear a big bowl of blabber. that starts with “It stahted when a Noth-Eastah suddenly blew in”
cdward almost 15 years ago
Can’t wait for this arc!
vexatron1984 almost 15 years ago
I love butternut squash!
js305 almost 15 years ago
I still think Eddie is one of Homer’s lives…and Pauly???
steverinoCT almost 15 years ago
It’s Saturday. More than likely this is a one-off.
You don’t need to hear the story, let your imagination (or Cap’n Eddie’s) fill in the blank.
Wiley creator almost 15 years ago
“Shades of Pogo!!!”
Ok, I’m thoroughly baffled by this post. Can you explain, glslightning?
lazygrazer almost 15 years ago
Put on another pot of coffee, Flo….gonna be a long windy day.
dsom8 almost 15 years ago
I was thinking the squash might be a metaphor for Victoria. When am I gonna learn? But then maybe it is.
Wiley: You don’t know Pogo’s regular (monthly) reference to “Friday 13 come on xday this month”?! (Or are you just ignoring Joe Doty?)
peter0423 almost 15 years ago
Dogsniff: Okay, try to follow along now.
“Friday the 13th falls on a Saturday” was a recurring gag from the classic strip “Pogo”.
glslightning picked up on it right away, and so did richard: “We have met the enemy and he is us.” – a famous Pogo quote.
It’s tacky to criticize someone’s typing, self-defeating to dismiss a gag just because you don’t get it, and boorish to slam a fellow poster on a personal level…glass houses, and all that.
ronaldmundy almost 15 years ago
time to splice the main brace. tell me more or shut up and listen. creniere, thanks for yesterday.
candide2588 almost 15 years ago
You have to be of a certain age to remember Pogo, but these times cry out for his return. Someone channel Walt Kelly, please!
Justice22 almost 15 years ago
Evidently, Wiley and I don’t read Pogo. Thanks for the clarification and .. I’m not eating butternut squash today.
NoBrandName almost 15 years ago
Not only stay away from butternut squash, but, more importantly, avoid the topic of butternut squash…
kb8uuw almost 15 years ago
“Shades of Pogo!!!”
look up Pogo by Walt Kelly . the was a running gag about friday the 13th being on some other day
note the one line “Often, Kelly would suddenly drop in a non-sequitur of sorts with throwaway one-shot gag strips that didn’t follow the regular continuity.
one of the most famouslines was “We Have Met The Enemy And He Is Us”
LornaP almost 15 years ago
“We Have Met The Enemy And He Is Us” -
Redkaycei almost 15 years ago
Squash..ICK…UGH… Blah… Squash bad . Capt Eddies storeis might be ture…. he knew Lars after all…..
Ooops! Premium Member almost 15 years ago
Help! I have a butternut squash in my kitchen! What should I do?
Valacapt almost 15 years ago
“Noth” - isn’t it “Nath”? It’s great to have a strip with Maine-iacs!
Trebor39 almost 15 years ago
But I like butternut squash!
1148559 almost 15 years ago
“Lot of nits around here today.”
…and nit-pickers.
Wiley creator almost 15 years ago
Obviously, no, I didn’t know that was a saying in Pogo. But now I do! Thanks!
Pacejv almost 15 years ago
@ Ji2m…about Cap’n Eddie, fully agree, both interesting & amusing…looking forward to the unfolding. Squash seeds cooked under the broiler with a touch of salt are really a nice snack–if your blood pressure can handle the sodium!
zebraswirls almost 15 years ago
Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it
kfaatz925 almost 15 years ago
Not only is Friday the 13th on a Saturday this month, but it falls on October 164th! (I think.)
(Sorry… couldn’t resist the Pogoisms…)
freeholder1 almost 15 years ago
Twas the 13th of march and all through the bar…
attyush almost 15 years ago
It was a finger of speech…
peter0423 almost 15 years ago
Dogsniff: A capital R in Richard – you’re right. Thanks for the correction, and apologies to Richard…no slight intended. :)
littledutchboy almost 15 years ago
SCAATY 423: Perfectly stated. That applies to so many.
zev.farkas almost 15 years ago
Dogsniff said, about 8 hours ago
Hey Doty, it’s a character, not an character and if the 13th falls on a Saturday, then it’s Saturday the 13th. Not that it matters. I’m waiting with baited breath for the day when you say something pertinent or funny. Come on Doty, you can do it!
Um… if you’re going to pick at other people’s grammar/spelling/usage, please note that the expression is “bated breath”.
people who live in grass houses shouldn’t stow thrones…
littledutchboy almost 15 years ago
SCAATY 423 & Dogsniff: Not if you’re e e cummings! My perfectly stated comment (above) refers to your “tacky, self-defeating and boorish” commentary.
pbarnrob almost 15 years ago
“That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons of history.” -–Aldous Huxley
DarthSequitur almost 15 years ago
Wiley, you may find the following interesting, as a very good summary of Walt Kelly and Pogo. You will especially, I think, enjoy the story about the Providence Journal editor and Kelly. The ending, unstated here but relayed by Kelly himself in “Ten Ever-lovin’ Blued-Years With Pogo”, was that Pogo was moved from the comics page to the Editorial page “Where it belongs” according to the editor.
James Lindley Premium Member almost 15 years ago
I strive to be like Eddie.
Yep, I also thought about Pogo. Friday the 13th came on Saturday this month.
themadyank almost 15 years ago
In Maine it’s called a Nah-Eastah, not a Noth-Eastah. Cap’n Eddie should know that.
Pacejv almost 15 years ago
Ji2m….the bait is hunting for the fisherman.