Some of the chemical elements, present in the coal in trace concentrations, ended up in the exhaust of the locomotive and may have medicinal properties. Maybe Jimmy had a selenium deficiency?
My 43 year old niece is the longest survivor of Burkitt Lymphoma. She was diagnosed at age five in 1976. She was used as a “human guinea pig”, and the treatment was successful. It was believed that she could never have children, but she gave birth to two healthy children and is now a grandmother. Miracles do happen.
cpalmeresq over 10 years ago
Miracle recovery? That would be nice.
hsawlrae over 10 years ago
I’m looking very forward for the rest of this story.
Neil Wick over 10 years ago
I saw this coming a few days ago. I hope it’s what it looks like.
3pibgorn9 over 10 years ago
davidf42 over 10 years ago
From the smile on Charlotte’s face in Panel 1, it’s not going to be bad news.
OldManMountain over 10 years ago
It could be that she was lying — Boog’s first heartbreak.
rangerlg over 10 years ago
Is someone live tweeting behind them?
battle of plattsburgh over 10 years ago
“You misunderstood me when I said he was ‘sick’.”
dook over 10 years ago
Some of the chemical elements, present in the coal in trace concentrations, ended up in the exhaust of the locomotive and may have medicinal properties. Maybe Jimmy had a selenium deficiency?
stuart over 10 years ago
Yes, selenium and arsenic – essential trace minerals that are toxic in larger doses. How many people know that you need a trace amount of arsenic?
Willow Mt Lyon over 10 years ago
My 43 year old niece is the longest survivor of Burkitt Lymphoma. She was diagnosed at age five in 1976. She was used as a “human guinea pig”, and the treatment was successful. It was believed that she could never have children, but she gave birth to two healthy children and is now a grandmother. Miracles do happen.
Jck123 over 10 years ago
Get me the sick sack !
Max Starman Jones over 10 years ago
I’m hoping that they found a way to make a cure by boiling a parrot in coal oil.