Gil Thorp by Henry Barajas and Rachel Merrill for March 23, 2010

  1. Moxie
    grshprnh  almost 15 years ago

 in p2 the palm of Steves hand is on the outside.

    Todays strip is for the yo yos who don’t pay attention.

    Duh Steve she wants you to profess your love to her, she could care less for the basketball game championship or not.

    I should have better things to do.

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  2. Rainbow phoenix   wide
    Ravenswing  almost 15 years ago

    Yeah, I’m with Stealth. Steve’s not her parent, neither is Gil, she’s of age. There comes a point where you say “You know something? You go do whatever the heck you feel like doing, I’m outta here” and walk away.

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    huskiecoach  almost 15 years ago

    Check her Rt ear in P-3
is she Vulcan, or just an elf?

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  4. Moxie
    grshprnh  almost 15 years ago

    raven and stealth what do you think got Cassie in this position to begin with
.a lack of devoted parenting, where are they now! On vacation! Now thats commitment.

    Go Steve tell her you love her!

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    chashare  almost 15 years ago

    Pizzaboy slams the janitor. Ouch.

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  6. Pierre bear small
    OldGreyBear  almost 15 years ago

    possibly Pixie, (explains the hair)

    or a Sprite (not the soda)

    or a Brownie (then again, she doesnt sell cookies, she gives hers away ; )

    or a basketball court Nymph (unless she’s a maniac)

    or an Imp (nothing comes to mind here)

    or a Dwarf (explains the whole vertically challenged thing)

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    sheikhollis  almost 15 years ago

.he just insulted a made man
he didnt get the name Mr Janitor by not cleaning up very, very well.

    Another character sent to Carbon’s Cave and the missing continue to mount at the Gilfather’s iron fist of rule

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  8. Noooo 1
    MovingtoMilford  almost 15 years ago

    “Mr. Janitor”? Hey buddy, you flip pizzas in Milford. While I applaud you for having a job and not being on the dole, it doesn’t put you in a position to to go around insulting janitors. What you should be saying is, “Hey Steve, do they need any more janitors at the school? Can you help me out?”

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    AmericanJones  almost 15 years ago

..this is a comic strip, remember? Don’t blow a gasket. The writers of this strip like to play with minds that think it’s real. This is fun. Enjoy it. I hope they all go to some state where three-way marriages are legal (does it exist?) and party hard. Gil can join them before the start of baseball season. Little known fact, Steve has one year of high school eligibility left. He was red-shirted as a freshman. He’ll be in the starting line-up for either Gil or Mimi this spring.

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    decten1968  almost 15 years ago

    This isn’t real at all 
 if this were real we’d F-bombs being dropped all over the place. And if Steve were a “real man” - an angy “gen-Y ” guy, he would have dropped the pizzaboy after the shot he took.

    Either that, or he would have pulled a gun on the two of them 

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  11. Paul
    JerryPulver  almost 15 years ago

    American, I say Steve gets in the lineup before the night is over 

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    AmericanJones  almost 15 years ago

    Jerry, right on my brother. Steve will clean the floor with that facial hair before the clock strikes eight. Gil will arrive at Pizza Guy’s house, they will have a hug fest , Mimi will go to her second job at the gentlemen’s club and the world will be good.

    Why does Mimi have a second job? The cost of retirement is going out of the roof. Gil and Mimi know this. They get it and are preparing accordingly. She has assets, they capitalize on that.

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    Munodi  almost 15 years ago

    Get to the game Cassie! Milford needs you!

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    MilfordMountain  almost 15 years ago

    Thank goodness there’s an alien death ray about to strike Steve in the jugular from the window behind him in p3 to end this madness.

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  15. Moxie
    grshprnh  almost 15 years ago

    Yo American, the strip is not real but the teens reading it are, and they need to know the truth.

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    AmericanJones  almost 15 years ago

. do you have kids or do you live in your parent’s basement? You submit some good stuff. Keep it real. Teens have minds . I think they see this as fun like the rest of us do. It is entertainment, not the real world. Don’t call out Raven and Stealth, they are bringing it everyday. They make this fun.

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  17. Judge
    thejudge  almost 15 years ago

    Steve’s mad cleaning skills will come in handy as he tidies up after the double homicide he’s about to commit.

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    Observe69  almost 15 years ago

    Pizzaboy better hope that Mr. Janitor is not a protege of The Cleaner, Winston Wolf.

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    pch9  almost 15 years ago

    Teens reading this tripe? I doubt it.

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    AmericanJones  almost 15 years ago

    Tooky, I threw that in for entainment value. I guess I missed. There is probably not a person under the age of fifty that reads this strip.

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  21. Slasher
    razorback2824  almost 15 years ago

    Does nobody realize that Steve Luhm just broke the fourth wall today? Even he knows how stupid this storyline and Cassie have become. Or is this really Neal Rubin reading the comments and jerking with us like Tom Batiuk did?

    At least Mimi’s got until softball season to straighten Cassie out.

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    MilfordAsstDA  almost 15 years ago

    AJ, you are wrong about younger people not reading Gil Thorp. While I think almost anyone of any age would agree that the strip has insanely stupid story lines and is incredibly poorly drawn, my son, who is not yet twelve, stops by here each day to read the strip. However, if the truth be told, he only reads the strip to see how bad it can get and as a prelude to reading the often hilarious comments posted here.

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  23. Paul
    JerryPulver  almost 15 years ago

    Wow, your son is developing a sense of humor about the Thorpian universe at such a young age! I think I started reading Gil when I was in high school (lo so many years ago, when Jerry Pulver was a great center for the Milford basketball team). Even back then Gil’s flat top was incredibly corny, but I would come back day after day to see what would happen next in the sports action. Nowadays I keep coming back day after day, mesmerized by whatever storyline is happening. What will Cassie do next? Will Steve and pizza boy come to blows? Will we ever see the Thorp kids again? Will this storyline fall to worst ever? I can’t turn my eyes away 

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    AmericanJones  almost 15 years ago

    Dear Mr. MfADA. My bad. I didn’t mean it so literally. It is poorly drawn and has insanely stupid story lines I ‘d bet that there are many kids reading this strip. Good name you gave yourself, by the way.

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