Arlo and Janis by Jimmy Johnson for September 21, 2014
Janis: What's this? Arlo: Oysters! The 'R' months are here! Janis: September isn't exactly a cold-weather month! Arlo: I don't make the rules! Arlo: Wonder how people in Australia know when to eat oysters? Janis: No, thanks! Janis: I don't eat oysters on days with a 'y' in them!
GR6 over 10 years ago
The bravest person in history? The first one to eat a raw oyster.
GR6 over 10 years ago
…aka “sea boogers”.
Varnes over 10 years ago
Why would anybody ever want to eat an oyster?…Gross…And people just hork them down, they don’t even chew them well…Where’s the fun there?
alviebird over 10 years ago
I will definitely be using this line in the future.
GR6 over 10 years ago
Oysters should be dredged in cornmeal and deep-fried in peanut oil until golden brown, as God intended.
Spent Hen over 10 years ago
I personally like to let them slide off the shell with a dash of horseradish on it, down my gullet and chase it with a mug of. beer!
Spent Hen over 10 years ago
oops….sorry, first timer here
Old_Iron_Sides over 10 years ago
I’m reminded of this scene from Mr. Bean’s Holiday
Observer fo Irony over 10 years ago
For your new comers oysters were considered an aphrodisiac; and if you do not know what that means then you need to visit a dictionary web site in another window.
emjaycee over 10 years ago
Unfortunately, the west coast of Florida has a major red tide coming in. My friends are worried about their seafood restaurant business. Just when things were getting somewhat back to normal after the BP fiasco….
jerry in Fl over 10 years ago
What’s going on with the blog?
Cronkers McGee Premium Member over 10 years ago
Me too, no fish for me.
eepeqez over 10 years ago
I’m in Australia. I use Janis’s approach.
bsqnbay over 10 years ago
Actually, they are quite tasty! Top of the food chain baby!!!
ARLOS DAD over 10 years ago
There are two things you never want to eat, oysters are both of them…..
tahoeh2o over 10 years ago
The best part is that they are alive when you eat them…
chizzel over 10 years ago
My food poops on your food
ladylagomorph76 over 10 years ago
Was planning a nice evening out with friends at a very fancy fish place. Was looking forward to it very much. They teased me unmercifully because it had an oyster bar and I refused to eat them. Actually I only barely eat fish. Got them! Everyone was stuffing themselves on raw oysters while I had a nice salad and ling cod, and I said: “My Dad says eating raw oysters is like swallowing snot!” Ohhhh! That was the last time they teased me like that.
cryptoengineer over 10 years ago
@ClarkKentPlants aren’t food.Plants are what food eats.
Gokie5 over 10 years ago
Just had an adventure (it takes so little . . .) trying to find the exact quote and quoter about the brave oyster eater. I majored in English during the 1950’s and remember the quote as “It was a brave man who [or maybe that] first did eat an oyster.” Google sources attribute this quote to both Johnson and Jonathan Swift, and the wording of the quote varies. I haven’t found my version yet, but I will . . . I . . . will.BTW, Johnson had quite the obstacle-filled life. I’m slogging through his bio on
Max Starman Jones over 10 years ago
I’ve known a lot of meat-eaters; I’ve known several vegetarians. But I’ve never met even one vegetarian who didn’t have to talk about it all the time.
K M over 10 years ago
I’m with you, Janis! Like snorting snot!!
JoePhan over 10 years ago
You do understand, don’t you, that when you cut up and cook those plants they’re still alive, and eating them raw is even more cruel.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 10 years ago
Tell it to your cat
ARLOS DAD over 10 years ago
Snails either….
Downundergirl over 10 years ago
We eat ‘em every day of the year!!! no ’seasons’.
RonBerg13 Premium Member over 10 years ago
I don’t eat oysters, period.
hippogriff over 10 years ago
DevilsNight: Reexamine your hypothesis. You will find drinking milk is a lot more basic than deciding to milk a cow. I know it is prior to conscious memory, but the subconscious persists. The first to drink milk was pre-human by millennia.
Lomax9er7 over 10 years ago
I’ve found the best way to eat an oyster is with a cheese burger, and hold the oyster.
water_moon over 10 years ago
So you’re rather rip little bits off of the organisim while keeping it alive so you can eat? .Frankly from a “moral objection” point of view what is the difference between backyard chicken eggs and a back yard bean garden?