Gasoline Alley by Jim Scancarelli for April 03, 2010

  1. Mr peanut
    leakysqueaky712  almost 15 years ago

    Corky is really socking it to Skeezix lately.

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  2. Rainbow phoenix   wide
    Ravenswing  almost 15 years ago

    Eh, brothers.

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  3. Axe grinder
    axe-grinder  almost 15 years ago

    The 1918 Gas Alley Gang was a pretty good team. Wallet at third and Bill Fold at shortstop formed the best left side of the infield in the league.

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  4. P6290172a
    436rge  almost 15 years ago

    Frank King would have had Walt going through some wild dream sequence by now. He’ll be meeting all his old pals and Phyllis surrounded by dizzying art patterns etc.

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  5. Th
    marvee  almost 15 years ago

    Maybe they will keep on reminiscing. That would be nice, atleast a lot better than the one-liners of the past few days.

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  6. Cicada avatar
    Dirty Dragon  almost 15 years ago

    axe-grinder: Who’s on first?

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  7. Brent and tv
    bmckee  almost 15 years ago

    At 82 Corky ain’t exactly a spring chicken himself. And their kid sister Judy is 75 (found by Walt in his car in 1935) and no longer mentioned.

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  8. Axe grinder
    axe-grinder  almost 15 years ago

    DirtyDragon said, axe-grinder: Who’s on first?

    First was manned by Louis Change. 5”5” scrapper “Pocket” Cash was at second.

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  9. Schulzsense 0
    Paul1963  almost 15 years ago

    I have a friend who’s a big guy (well over 300 pounds) and he played softball for years. He described himself as a “lumbering first baseman.” Walt probably fell into the same category.

    And if I were writing this, we would be seeing Phyllis showing Walt that all his departed friends were waiting for him. But then, I wouldn’t be writing the miraculous recovery that is no doubt in store for Walt.

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  10. Cicada avatar
    Dirty Dragon  almost 15 years ago

    a-g: well played ; )

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  11. Axe grinder
    axe-grinder  almost 15 years ago

    I resisted the urge to go into the classic Abbott and Costello routine!

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  12. Dscn0420 1
    OldManMountain  almost 15 years ago

    Judy was at Phyllis’ funeral and was in on the discussion to hire a caregiver for Walt. Of course, the first pick was Corky’s wild child, Eve.

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  13. Missing large
    Airboy20  almost 15 years ago

    And don’t forget brothers Wladlyski and Piotr Book out in the outfield – the Czech Books.

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  14. John w kennedy 2010 square
    John W Kennedy Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    Errrr…. Skeezix wasn’t around in 1918, either. He was born in 1921.

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