It’s just “Pennys” – proper nouns ending in a Y don’t change to ie when made plural.…There are 2 Marys (not Maries or Mary’s) in our department. We visited the Murphys (not Murphies or Murphy’s) last week.Proper nouns ending in S, Z, Ch, J, etc., get an es added when made plural.…Invite the Joneses (not Joness or Jones’s) over for dinner. The Gonzalezes (not Gonzalezs or Gonzalez’s) live across the street.
Laura Gildwarg over 10 years ago
Burl. Whadda guy. Arrogant, rude AND stupid, all in one package. How lucky could a girl get?
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member over 10 years ago
Leave it to the Penny’s to make things as difficult as possible. Easiest was is for the store to throw them out!
mikie2 over 10 years ago
This is what happens when heat meets fuel meets oxygen. Fire. Donny is as stupid as the Pennys. (A relative?) (Or a woods colt?)
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 10 years ago
Nos Nevets…. Your spellcheck won’t like it, but they are “the Pennys” … just the way Mikie used it.
You change “y” to “ie” in a plural noun… like “pennies”, but not in somebody’s name.
i.e, Judy Garland and Judy Collins aren’t “Judies.”
So… pennies are cents, but the Pennys have no sense.
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 10 years ago
Anyway…. if one t-shirt is normally $10 at Rubics (hey, the Pennys don’t shop at high-end stores..)….
Yesterday, you could pay $10 and get two. Today, you can pay $7.70 and get two.
The manager is saying Burl and Joy don’t have to take the free one…. they weren’t paying for it anyway….
So they can pay the $7.70, and only take home one shirt…even though their receipt says they bought two.
And a month from now, when Burl comes back with his gift receipt to return it…which he will, even though he chose it and tried it on before leaving….
they’ll say “Sorry sir… we need BOTH shirts returned before you get a refund.”
I’d LOVE to see the look on his face then!
shamest Premium Member over 10 years ago
I bet if it was a free desert or cake there would be no problem. How cheap can you get.
Stormy53.2000 over 10 years ago
Actually it’s Pennys’ if you’re talking about both of them and Penny’s if you’re only talking about one of them.
MissScarlet Premium Member over 10 years ago
You can have any color you want, as long as it’s yellow.
TheWildSow over 10 years ago
It’s just “Pennys” – proper nouns ending in a Y don’t change to ie when made plural.…There are 2 Marys (not Maries or Mary’s) in our department. We visited the Murphys (not Murphies or Murphy’s) last week.Proper nouns ending in S, Z, Ch, J, etc., get an es added when made plural.…Invite the Joneses (not Joness or Jones’s) over for dinner. The Gonzalezes (not Gonzalezs or Gonzalez’s) live across the street.
vldazzle over 10 years ago
Apostrophes (or lack of them) don’t bother me much, even though I try to speak correctly. I know that all too often I forget to close my parenthesis.