Woman: Who's that guy? Man: He's a wide receiver. Woman: Where is then narrow receiver? Man: He doesn't exist. Woman: So without a narrow receiver for reference, how can they tell that guy's a wide receiver? Man: Um...they have it written down.
Bob. over 10 years ago
They have a tight end.
Michael Peterson Premium Member over 10 years ago
Tight end. Opposite of wide receiver. You’re welcome.
cdward over 10 years ago
And why just a quarterback? Why not a nickleback or a dimeback?
Joe Cooker Premium Member over 10 years ago
Why a Duck ?
maxcat631 over 10 years ago
Actually, they do have Nicklebacks and Dimebacks…a dimeback is a cornerback who serves as the sixth defensive back and a nickelback is a cornerback who serves as the fifth (in addition to the typical four) defensive back on the defense.
neverenoughgold over 10 years ago
Spend enough time on the couch watching this crap and you will be even “wider” than you currently are!.How come she’s not bringing him beer and snacks?
Charlie Fogwhistle over 10 years ago
He didn’t remember about the tight end because of concussions. I know that because I can see he got red-shirted.