in San Diego County, one school teaches Auto Shop. Only way to get shop classes is through Adult Education. Remember Mike Rowe, of “Dirty Jobs” fame? He has a foundation dedicated to getting young people jobs in those vital fields where one does not need a college degree. Check it out, if you are interested:
TREEINTHEWIND over 10 years ago
Marketing 101……………….
Dr_Fogg over 10 years ago
Does any school teach shop class any more? Welding, painting, metal work?
ThelmaWickwere over 10 years ago
in San Diego County, one school teaches Auto Shop. Only way to get shop classes is through Adult Education. Remember Mike Rowe, of “Dirty Jobs” fame? He has a foundation dedicated to getting young people jobs in those vital fields where one does not need a college degree. Check it out, if you are interested:
dwpbike over 10 years ago
wants are increasing and means are decreasing
Sailor46 USN 65-95 over 10 years ago
One way or the other you pay for shipping. Either as a separate charge or in the price of the item!