Reminds me of an old joke:.This guy is driving along a highway in a desolate area when he comes to a small shop on the side of the road. He pulls up to the shop and stops. When he enters, he sees salt everywhere; bags of salt, cubes of salt, shakers of salt, all kinds of salt in every shape and size imaginable!The traveler turns to a fellow behind the counter and says, “Wow! You must sell a lot of salt!”The fellow replies, “No, I don’t sell any salt; but, the salesman who calls on me, now he sells a lot of salt!”.Ok, it’s an old joke, and I’m an old salt…
lightenup Premium Member over 10 years ago
If it just hung there like some awnings, it would be nice on a sunny day… a little fresh air and some shade!
Observer fo Irony over 10 years ago
The bird is wondering how the turtle to going to retract the awning if he needed to move some where.
rshive over 10 years ago
Maybe the salesman also sold him the storage kit.Only $49.95, excluding taxes and shipping
love gocomics over 10 years ago
not included- a mechanical device for retraction
mourdac Premium Member over 10 years ago
Adds class.
James Hopkins over 10 years ago
He could sell a ketchup popsicle to a woman in white gloves.
clucky over 10 years ago
Salesman looking to graduate to selling overcoats in Aruba.
jtviper7 over 10 years ago
When I grow up I’m going to be a salesman…
neverenoughgold over 10 years ago
Reminds me of an old joke:.This guy is driving along a highway in a desolate area when he comes to a small shop on the side of the road. He pulls up to the shop and stops. When he enters, he sees salt everywhere; bags of salt, cubes of salt, shakers of salt, all kinds of salt in every shape and size imaginable!The traveler turns to a fellow behind the counter and says, “Wow! You must sell a lot of salt!”The fellow replies, “No, I don’t sell any salt; but, the salesman who calls on me, now he sells a lot of salt!”.Ok, it’s an old joke, and I’m an old salt…
Sailor46 USN 65-95 over 10 years ago
He should have bought the upgrade. One that can be retracted!
mackenzie0158 over 10 years ago
He could sell ice to Eskimos.
nailer Premium Member over 10 years ago
I knew it as to sell fridges to Eskimos, who by the way do use fridges, to keep food from frezing.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 10 years ago
Reminds me of the salesman in SECONDHAND LIONS