Number Three, you called it yesterday. : ) I kind of know how Opal feels. For instance, just recently, a young lady we know graduated as a veterinary technician. So, I got the idea to make peanut butter cookies in the shape of paw prints for her party. They came out so adorable! I set aside a plate, just to look at, on the table. They really made me smile. And I was sad to get up the next morning and see them all gone. But, they are a lot easier to replace than canned peaches!
ugh I remember canning season! My Mom gave me the job of carrying all the jars to the basement pantry!! She must have put up 100 or so quarts of everything….but we enjoyed the great fruit and pickles all winter!!
Why not have an episode of Earl getting a toupee? I think the strip would become more attractive and eye-catching if Earl had a healthier head of hair. His appearance would probably be more dignified.
Oh, wow! And I … um… er…. well, I rolled one bigger ball and four little ones. Lol! Seriously, though, that’s really interesting. And, it would be hard for me not to wonder if someone had stolen the work, if I were you.
Arianne over 10 years ago
Number Three, you called it yesterday. : ) I kind of know how Opal feels. For instance, just recently, a young lady we know graduated as a veterinary technician. So, I got the idea to make peanut butter cookies in the shape of paw prints for her party. They came out so adorable! I set aside a plate, just to look at, on the table. They really made me smile. And I was sad to get up the next morning and see them all gone. But, they are a lot easier to replace than canned peaches!
Barker62 over 10 years ago
Opal should be happy Earl likes her canning. A lot of people nowadays think it’s: unsanitary, dorky, waste of time, tasteless, etc. But……60 quarts?
flyertom over 10 years ago
I just went down to the basement and had at it. My Mom was more concerned about all the missing spoons than her declining inventory.
Sportymonk over 10 years ago
But if he doesn’t eat them, at some point she will be complaining they went bad and why didn’t he like them and eat them.
aerilim over 10 years ago
When Earl’s gone she will still have some peach jars to remember him…..
Mickeylacey over 10 years ago
ugh I remember canning season! My Mom gave me the job of carrying all the jars to the basement pantry!! She must have put up 100 or so quarts of everything….but we enjoyed the great fruit and pickles all winter!!
gmasj over 10 years ago
Take a picture of your accomplishment (whatever it is), then dig in!
JanLC over 10 years ago
No, Opal. That makes no sense whatsoever.
jtviper7 over 10 years ago
Reminds me of that Andy Griffith Show, When Aunt Bee canned pickles.
GG over 10 years ago
But Aunt Bee wanted everyone to eat her pickles, and if I remember correctly, they were horrible. LOL
rhtatro over 10 years ago
She should be glad he is not an invalid, where she would be holding the spoon up to his mouth so he could eat at all!
Number Three over 10 years ago
What does Earl have which Opal is not allowed to touch?
I’d be interested to know!
joycep39 over 10 years ago
Pickling is coming back. There’s even a paperback mystery that deals with it – The Pickled Piper. Very popular.
Boots at the Boar Premium Member over 10 years ago
It helps to remember that they’re perishable and if someone doesn’t eat them, you won’t have any jars to can with next year.
princessfiona60 over 10 years ago
Good food is meant to be enjoyed, eat up! It’s art, but not the type you sit and look at.
Rocketmouse over 10 years ago
Why not have an episode of Earl getting a toupee? I think the strip would become more attractive and eye-catching if Earl had a healthier head of hair. His appearance would probably be more dignified.
Arianne over 10 years ago
Oh, wow! And I … um… er…. well, I rolled one bigger ball and four little ones. Lol! Seriously, though, that’s really interesting. And, it would be hard for me not to wonder if someone had stolen the work, if I were you.