Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for March 31, 2010
Mom: This pamphlet is for Camp Toonaway. I think you'd like it! Petey: Mom. Mom: It's a day camp for kids who like cartoons and comic books! That's you! Petey: And graphic novels. Mom: Petey, I think you need to socialize with other kids like you who don't like to socialize with other kids like you! Petey: Will I have to make lanyards?
margueritem almost 15 years ago
An excellent question, Petey!
leakysqueaky712 almost 15 years ago
Sounds like a “Special Camp”
Go Petey, you may just have fun.
COWBOY7 almost 15 years ago
It might be fun, Petey!
GM, Marg & LS!
BrianCrook almost 15 years ago
I don’t think that Petey likes fun.
Hugh B. Hayve almost 15 years ago
Isn’t that the purpose of internet social networking?
MisterFweem almost 15 years ago
That’s right, Mom. Reeeeeel him in.
Bontebok almost 15 years ago
They made me go once with the same hopes. I was traumatized for years.
cdward almost 15 years ago
No lanyards! Nooooooo!
uh-ohkid almost 15 years ago
no gymp! No lanyards! no pot holders! No Stan Lee altars!
GROG Premium Member almost 15 years ago
Yeah, but will the menu appeal to Petey? It could be a lot of days without eating.
celeconecca almost 15 years ago
But it will be a toon lanyard - it’ll take whatever shape you want.
Davamunn almost 15 years ago
I hope Camp Toonaway isn’t like they camp I went to; we had to go to the beach for two days because it was being fumigated.
Nighthawks Premium Member almost 15 years ago
they made charles whitman go to camp and then one day- he got even
pibfan868 almost 15 years ago
I would go–Hey, Mrs. Otterloop, if Petey stays can I go??
bald almost 15 years ago
go ahead and go petey, summer camps can be a learning experience
i still have one of those lanyards made for me by a neighbor kid who had MD back in the 50’s at a summer camp for kids with disabilities,I keep in in a memento box and each time i see it, i think of the struggles he went through growing up.
fritzoid Premium Member almost 15 years ago
Oh BOY! A whole CAMP full of Peteys! This is going to be fun!
One question intrigues me: Of all the Peteys in the world, is he the Peteyest? Or will he meet up with someone even Peteyer?
gillbillvolume1 almost 15 years ago
What a fun summer .. all the campers will have private rooms and just lay on their bunks reading comics / graphic novels all day and NOT going out side where there are germs and activity. and maybe there will be a diorama making class or talks on how to out blather a little sister with hourly updates from the Pickyeaters website!
Where can I sign up !!!
jmpeter2 almost 15 years ago
I love Mrs. Otterloop! Camp is fun. Go for it, Petey.
Ushindi almost 15 years ago
EVERYBODY has to make at least ONE lanyard while a child, Petey. That and the misshapen clay ashtray…it’s the law.
CatComixzStudios almost 15 years ago
Why haven’t I heard about that camp!?
comicartfan almost 15 years ago
Thank you for addressing such an important topic. I have been interested in his comic life. Maybe we can learn more about his funnybook history.
fenneuter almost 15 years ago
The Lanyard, a poem by Billy Collins in his book The Trouble With Poetry. A funny and sad camp and Mother’s Day rumination.