Nancy by Olivia Jaimes for October 11, 2014

  1. Freddylombard01
    daedalusomega  over 10 years ago

    Isn’t the punchline supposed to be one all of us, or at least most of us, understand? Apparently… not.

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    Russell Sketchley Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Derek Jeter has been an all-star shortstop for the New York Yankees for years. The Yankees are the Red Sox’s biggest rivals. Jeter has retired at the end of this season.

    He’s also one of the few “elite” athletes who has a reputation for being a pretty respectable guy and a decent role-model.

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  3. Sg county zoo 077
    loner34  over 10 years ago

    I liked (and still like) Jeter BUT I thought his one year grandstand was quite self agrandizing.

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    jrankin1959  over 10 years ago

    Kind of like if Steelers fans actually took a shine to Johnny Manziel…

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    Observer fo Irony  over 10 years ago

    @yardlet6I thought they were cheering him because it was his last game.

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  6. Cball0001
    MJ Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Well, I thought it was a cute punch line. I’m surprised that are people who don’t know who he is. Although I’ve been a Yankees nut for about 60 years, I’m sure that I would know about him even if I didn’t know much about baseball.

    .Now, when he references those country singers, he often has me stumped. But some people (like Jeter as well as some country performers) are known beyond fandom. They cross over into “news.”

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  7. Freedom
    bookworm0812  over 10 years ago

    That’s OK, Sluggo! I’m a Red Sox fan like you, and I like Jeter too! Know why? Because he’s retired now and won’t be playing anymore!

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    les nessman  over 10 years ago

    Go Orioles!!

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  9. Snoopy
    The Fly Hunter  over 10 years ago

    As a Red Sox fan it soooo hard to like any Yankee, but Jeter and mighty Mo Rivera were two of the classiest Yankees ever! And they also currently have the best manager in the major leagues! How he ever brought those injury and controversy riddled teams of the last two years into winning records and contention is incredible!

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    Mary McNeil Premium Member over 10 years ago

    As a diehard Indians fan, I know how ya feel, Sluggo!

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    kaffekup   over 10 years ago

    Go, Orioles – home. It’s KC’s turn. What’s it been, 30+ years?

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  12. Blaine copy
    DRMFeint  about 6 years ago

    Yankees for life! (Or Royals)

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