Nancy by Olivia Jaimes for October 18, 2014

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    JayBluE  over 10 years ago

    I say this all the time.. and not just for famous entertainers… There are “everyday folk”, too, who also have shared their talents with us all in our everyday lives, in one way or another, and who aren’t “media darlings”… and who barely get a mention, or a brief “hmm…” before people move on, that is, in comparison to the “24 hr. news cycles” about people we don’t personally know, but seem to get a lot of attention..– And too, when it comes to celebrities, specifically, I’ve also seen how some celebs get just a brief mention, but certain other ones get a whole “parade”, almost, in all the papers, mags and TV networks ..

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    JayBluE  over 10 years ago

    And good job, Guy! Iit would be nice to let people know you care, before it comes to having to say it at the funeral…

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    jnik23260  over 10 years ago

    That’s why I’m not having a funeral. Anyone with something nice to say about me can say it while I can still hear it!

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    jrankin1959  over 10 years ago

    Shoot, I’m just glad no one in programming is saying, “Lauren WHO?” (Too many of my students have a prejudice against anything in black-and-white…)

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    ladykat Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Time to set up the PVR

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    ColonelClaus  over 10 years ago

    Gil, I am assuming you are familiar with the Shel Silverstein Lyric: “Nashville is rough on the living, but she sure speaks well of the dead”It was performed by Bobby Bare, Jerry Reed, Mel Tillis and Waylon Jennings. That song popped into my head as I read today’s strip.

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    loner34  over 10 years ago

    I hope you folks also read Guy’s other comic “Today’s Dogg” he also remembers some of those who have passed on.

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    Donaldo Premium Member over 10 years ago

    actually they were applauded their entire careers

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    brklnbern  over 10 years ago

    Good thought. I recall when baseball manager Leo Durocher made the Hal of Fame posthumously. I also recall thinking, Leo was 89 when he died, having lived that long why wasn’t he enshrined while he was still alive.

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    harkherp  over 10 years ago

    I totally agree with Aunt Fritzie!!

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    Mary McNeil Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Just like Cubs great Ron Santo getting in the Hall of Fame – the year after he’d died!

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    Jim Kerner  over 10 years ago

    What drives me crazy, and most of everyone who comment here that program directors schedule the tributes opposite each other.

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