Frank and Ernest by Thaves for November 16, 2014
Frank: There's some grumbling going on down there. The muscle fibers are complaining about getting stuck with all the heavy lifting... Frank: ...LDL is tired of being called "bad" cholesterol. And the blood cells don't like all the traveling they have to do in their job. Frank: A little speck is trying to convince the brain these bad attitudes are all int he head. Ernest: A little speck? Frank: Yeah, a proton is telling the brain he can take charge of the situation with the power of positive thinking!
TREEINTHEWIND about 10 years ago
Science reveals our secrets again………. and upsets our privacy norms …….
linsonl about 10 years ago
For every proton, there is a negative electron.
Seeker149 Premium Member about 10 years ago
I’d be careful with that proton. It could be part of a free radical… or worse, a vicious prion!
ole goat about 10 years ago
Lighten up guys. It’s Sunday morning.
neverenoughgold about 10 years ago
Time for “A Fantastic Voyage”…