Phoebe and Her Unicorn by Dana Simpson for November 03, 2014
Phoebe: Dakota, you and that goblin are still hanging out? Dakota: His name is Blartholomew. And yeah. He's, like, useful, it turns out. Anything I don't want to eat, I feed him under the table. Marigold: Why do you not feed ME under the table? Phoebe: Well, start liking something besides grass.
Comic Minister Premium Member about 10 years ago
Agreed Phoebe.
luducks about 10 years ago
The little-brotherest of golbins!
Monster Hesh about 10 years ago
Aw, it’s sweet to see Dakota getting along so well with one of her fellow monsters.
Marigold, you don’t want to lurk under the table. Moving legs and scooting chairs and long pointy horns in cramped spaces? Not a good mix.
kaykeyser about 10 years ago
Yah Marigold, like brussel sprouts or broccoli.
Q4horse about 10 years ago
Hey, she already ate all the peanut butter and salad dressing.
davidf42 about 10 years ago
Why is this strip always running a day late?
Neo Stryder about 10 years ago
Dakota found her couple for all her life… that was the origin of the hobgoblins.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 10 years ago
I’ve missed several strips. The new ones don’t post until after I go to bed, then they don’t show in my queue after the change over.What ever the problem is, I wish it could get fixed.If I didn’t love this stip so much that I go looking for it when it’s missing, I’d loose out on it a lot.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 10 years ago
I have one of those. It’s called a dog.
Hag5000 about 10 years ago
Phoebe: Okay, I’ll feed you. Here.Marigold: I do not care for Brussels sprouts.
DDrazen about 10 years ago
A bratty little girl with a goblin for a companion; that’s either a Japanese manga or an American sitcom.
Masterius about 10 years ago
Now Phoebe, you already know Marigold likes more than just grass. There’s apples.
John Reiher Premium Member about 10 years ago
Dakota and Blartholomew make a great couple.
Aconite about 10 years ago
Dakota has the perfect little brother now.
dogday Premium Member about 10 years ago
And may I say, EVERYBODY is looking particularly fetching today! Even Dakota and Blartholomew.
Stellagal about 10 years ago
I’m picturing Marigold under the table, waiting to be fed, her hind side sticking out from underneath. The question comes, who is going to be poked first?
NWdryad about 10 years ago
And get shorter, Marigold. You wouldn’t fit under the table…
tazz555 about 10 years ago
Maybe if she started eating more hay, grass and oats she would have something to feed her
Are2Dee2 9 months ago
Wow! An entire strip of friendliness between Dakota and Phoebe!
Kark_The_Red_Canadian_Dragon 7 months ago
Yeah, Mari! Start liking vegetables, and Phoebe’ll slip ya some! :)