Rose: This couch seemed so much bigger when we were growing up, Fanny!
Fanny: I was just thinking the same thing, Rose!
Meemaw: Okay, girls... How about some milk and cookies for my little darlings?!
Rose: Yes, please!
Fanny: Yes, please!
Observer fo Irony about 10 years ago
Who the heck…is Fanny friend or family?
RoadTrip3500 about 10 years ago
Oooo… Krazy Straws!
mourdac Premium Member about 10 years ago
I want a cookie break like that at work.
Argy.Bargy2 about 10 years ago
MeeMaw is such a loving person, and Rose, for the most part, is the same. It’s hard to understand how two sisters raised by a loving mother could end up with sons who are so different. Pasquale is a loving, caring kid and Clem is kind of a junior version of Satan…
Comic Minister Premium Member about 10 years ago
Oh yeah.
themom51 about 10 years ago
I’m guessing Fanny looks like their dad…
kittylover2 about 10 years ago
Fanny go to a salon and get that horrible hair cut and take Clem with you. Your hair and Clems is so ugly.
rphbeta about 10 years ago
In another strip, both Pasquale and Clem got crew cuts. Clem’s plume grew back in the next panel.
DKHenderson 11 months ago
HISTORICAL MOMENT: An extremely rare sighting of Meemaw and Fanny in the same strip.