Don’t worry, Mona. The airhead doesn’t even know the colloquialism.
How long until she remembers why they broke up before and I can think of at least one other problem that might come up.
This is a case where two is equal to zero.
Well we always knew Donna was full of…
How long before she remembers she’s married?
November 06, 2015
Sisyphos about 10 years ago
Don’t worry, Mona. The airhead doesn’t even know the colloquialism.
AlnicoV about 10 years ago
How long until she remembers why they broke up before and I can think of at least one other problem that might come up.
The missing M. Smokey about 10 years ago
This is a case where two is equal to zero.
K M about 10 years ago
Well we always knew Donna was full of…
hawgowar about 10 years ago
How long before she remembers she’s married?