When you think about it though, this sort of is out there – lots of canned foods, and mixes and frozen packaged foods with prep instructions – or recipes – included with it, just like a cook book.
The Da Vinci Cod: a Fishy Parody by Don Brine actually exists. (Pen name of an English writer, Adam Roberts. He also wrote a couple of Tolkien parodies as A.R.R.R. Roberts) ‘Cod’ is English slang for a joke or hoax.
I think the average life span of comic cats is about fifty years.
“Call me fishmeal!” Oh, no, you din’t!!! Darby, Darby, Darby! You deserve a small beating and then a kiss and a hug from someone you find attractive! Best yet!
Some new young kids will have to go to school, to understand a strip like this.Out of the mouths of cats!MD should be required reading for every HS kid in the USA, not just in Boston.It’s part of our heritage!Love it!
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr about 10 years ago
Small steps, Bucky.We put a man on the moon before we put wheels on hand luggage.
unnormal about 10 years ago
That line got the biggest guffaw out of me for the whole year!
Varnes about 10 years ago
dukedoug, I like “What? That’s even more less not crazy!” myself….At least I think I do, until I figure out what it means…
Plumbob Wilson about 10 years ago
Probably sheer coincidence, but “Call me Fishmeal” was the opening line of a Mad Magazine satire of the movie “Moby Dick” many many years ago.
juicebruce about 10 years ago
Ah, the mind of one Bucky Kat !
Thomas R. Williams about 10 years ago
What’s in a nam? The_Da Vinci Cod would smell as sweet as any other novel by Dan Brown
katzenbooks45 about 10 years ago
I remember “Call me Fishmeal” as the opening line from Mad Magazine’s parody of Moby Dick back in the late 60s/early 70s.
nosirrom about 10 years ago
“Call me Fishmeal” OK, CHUM!One question though. What is his recipe for “The Fast of the Mohicans”?
steverinoCT about 10 years ago
Note the book on the table: “The Count Of Monte Crisco”
chief about 10 years ago
Yet another broke page.
B LeCren about 10 years ago
… Making me hungry!…
thestargazer1682 about 10 years ago
When you think about it though, this sort of is out there – lots of canned foods, and mixes and frozen packaged foods with prep instructions – or recipes – included with it, just like a cook book.
ComicsR4Fun Premium Member about 10 years ago
So….with the life span of cats, when’s Bucky going to kick the ol’ bucket? ;)
Treesong about 10 years ago
The Da Vinci Cod: a Fishy Parody by Don Brine actually exists. (Pen name of an English writer, Adam Roberts. He also wrote a couple of Tolkien parodies as A.R.R.R. Roberts) ‘Cod’ is English slang for a joke or hoax.
I think the average life span of comic cats is about fifty years.
heatherjasper about 10 years ago
Kind&Kinder about 10 years ago
“Call me fishmeal!” Oh, no, you din’t!!! Darby, Darby, Darby! You deserve a small beating and then a kiss and a hug from someone you find attractive! Best yet!
nosirrom about 10 years ago
Diner is over but I still have a hankering for something exotic like:“A lobster tail of two cities”or“The taming of the stew”
dputhoff about 10 years ago
Tom Batiuk used “Call me fishmeal” in FUNKY WINKERBEAN strip a few years ago.
38lowell about 10 years ago
Some new young kids will have to go to school, to understand a strip like this.Out of the mouths of cats!MD should be required reading for every HS kid in the USA, not just in Boston.It’s part of our heritage!Love it!
Scooby D. Labbé about 10 years ago
Bucky expropriated that “Fishmeal” line from Mad Magazine.