Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for December 08, 2014

  1. Mooncat
    docopenhaver  about 10 years ago

    Elvis puffs-up pretty impressively.

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  2. Image gl2xu6o8 1679017467894 raw
    Space_cat  about 10 years ago

    Our Midget Calico Mama Taffy once ate a huge moth right out of the air on her way inside the front door one night this past summer.With it’s wings, it was larger than her head. She barely slowed down as she chewed it up.

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    ekw555  about 10 years ago

    what’s wrong with cats going outside?

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  4. Img 0375
    MIHorn Premium Member about 10 years ago

    My cat catches flies and moths in mid-air and eats them.

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  5. Googlyeyes
    bermudamel  about 10 years ago

    TOMMY!!!! My fave visitor to the BCN team!

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  6. Burke 200 t
    burkeknight  about 10 years ago

    Dude, get a life, most cats are outside cats. I have no idea what planet you are from, but if you think all cats should just be indoor cats, then there’s really something wrong with you.

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    reverence  about 10 years ago

    BK-Outside cats are the reason for the pet over-population problem. Go into any shelter and know that most of the cats will not get homes. I have volunteered and held perfect, beautiful kittens in their last moments before euthanasia. Is there a name for what’s wrong with you?

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  8. Happy heart
    Margaret Rogers Premium Member about 10 years ago

    calm down and play nice! That’s what I tell the kitties who come and eat at my house. They are both fixed and terrorize through the window my mostly inside kitty.Be nice to each other.

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  9. Smoking cat
    brotherbox  about 10 years ago

    What a silly argument 1, cats are nocturnal by nature, most predators that eat them are the same. we keep them in at night. 2 over population is caused by people who don’t fix their pets, and or abandon them, we get a lot of that round here. 3. no need to be over protective just like a child they need to grow, we let ours out as kittens under supervision,until they are grown and let the older ones teach the younger ones. They too learn by observation, and just like kids they make mistakes, that what vets are for.

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  10. Campina 2
    deadheadzan  about 10 years ago

    I love this comic! The reactions to the moth, Elvis in full fluff, Tommy (the controversial) adding outdoor perspective, it’s all very funny.

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    Larsonian  about 10 years ago

    We let our cats out all the time – of course we have a 6’ PVC privacy fence, and are typically out there with them. Never lost one yet…

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  12. Pa220005
    Fido (aka Felix Rex)  about 10 years ago

    My cats (does that phrase make sense?) Fido (pictured) and O’Malley are both indoor cats. They have a nice morning chase, do some other kitty crazies, then fit a place for a bath well before dawn. Such a life.

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  13. Crybaby 728828 1
    SallyLin   about 10 years ago

    Just found this strip today and have read back through them all. Absolutely LOVE it!!!

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    SunflowerGirl100  about 10 years ago

    BurkeKnight , Agree but I’ll add the problem also is people who so casually abandon their cats usually when they move away. Both my cats were strays whom I started feeding and they slowly came to trust me. I keep them in as much as possible especially at night, but having been outdoor cats, they want to also be outdoors a lot. I will add that if you can’t care for a pet, don’t abandon it; give it to the Humane Society where it has a chance of adoption or at least of fed and sheltered for its final days. I’d rather a cat be euthanized than starve or be eaten by coyotes, etc.

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  15. Img 0375
    MIHorn Premium Member about 10 years ago

    Ours is inside only. He has a 3-story cat house to roam in (he leis us live here too) and plenty of places to climb and places to look out, open windows when the weather’s good. Too much traffic and too many neighbors who let their large dogs roam to let him out.

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    Oceanic  about 10 years ago

    I do read this one aloud to my husband, & sometimes his friends, they fall out laughing. A bunch of great big men and they LOVE this comic. For the record, my rescued older formerly feral kitty would go nuts if we didn’t let him live mostly outside. Even with weather in the 40’s he’s out more than in. He doesn’t like to use a litter box (emergency only!) and mostly stays within the yard or on the deck. His motto is live and let live, & he’s very grateful to be living here. I think he makes a lot of sense.

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    Oceanic  about 10 years ago

    Oh, and this is fun, keeping in the vein of kitties doing people work; look it up! Cheryl does a couple of other cat songs that I just love: White cat and My cat’s birthday. Good stuff! You’re welcome!

    Cat Accountant Words And Music By Cheryl Wheeler

    My cat accountant taps his furry headHis visor’s green and all my numbers are redHis little lamp is burning all the timeand what is his used to be mine

    His calculating is so round aboutEinstein and Hawking couldn’t figure it outBill Gates and Midas wouldn’t make a dimewith my CPA feline

    If you saw him on the street you’d never guessWhat those pencils in his pocket sleeve are forHe may look soft and sweet but now hear thisHe’s a ruthless little cat entrepreneurBottom line and business to the core

    He zips through my room in his racing carHe dips his beetles into caviarHe has his snowboards jetted in from FranceAnd he busts a sag in Baggy black leather pants

    If you’re staying in a really nice hotelAnd a white cat takes the table next to youYou will find his dining charges on your billWith his room and tax and transportation tooAnd there will not be a thing that you can do

    He is a tiger at the driving rangeHe keeps a locker at the stock exchangeEven his cell phone has a diamond ringand all day long I hear it singCa-ching ca-chingCa-ching ca-chingCa-ching ca-ching ca-ching

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  18. Virus
    heatherjasper  about 10 years ago

    Lion kitty!

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  19. Images
    Transcription  over 6 years ago

    Lupin: There’s a moth outside the window. Elvis, can you confirm?

    Elvis: It’s right here Lupin and it won’t go away.

    Lupin: Here’s Puck to tell us more about moths.

    Puck: Moths are a creepy abomination attracted to light.

    Elvis: IT’S GONE!!

    Elvis: !

    Tommy: I ate it.

    Tommy: Glad to help you out there, brother!

    Elvis: GET OUT OF OUR YARD!!

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  20. Babay kittiy
    eleanor  about 6 years ago

    my mom is afraid of moths

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  21. Missing large
    203213  about 5 years ago

    Moths deserve a second chance!!!!!

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  22. Large dancing panda
    IAmPanda!  over 4 years ago

    elvis looks like a lion in the last panel!

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  23. Stpatshat  1
    leopardglily  over 2 years ago

    I feel like if Tommy was a person he would be a hippy with a guitar.

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  24. Mew mew power animated gif
    ToneeRhianRose  over 1 year ago

    Haha! XD

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  25. Fisheyes
    GKBOWOOD Premium Member 9 months ago

    LOL!! Love how poofed Elvis gets!!

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  26. Fire dragon dragon
    godloveskaylahyu  2 days ago

    I like chubs!

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