For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for February 27, 2015

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    Templo S.U.D.  about 10 years ago

    Should’ve kept that note in the third panel to yourself, Elly.

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    Argythree  about 10 years ago

    And tomorrow will bring John yelling at Elly for scaring off the patients…

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  3. Plumbbob wilson
    Plumbob Wilson  about 10 years ago

    Google “Carol Burnett Show Dentist Skit”.

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    loveslife  about 10 years ago

    She probably said that as a joke, after what John said yesterday…

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    Can't Sleep  about 10 years ago


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    poodles27  about 10 years ago

    That’s not vey supportive Phil! Lol!

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    JanLC  about 10 years ago

    Lynn’s Notes:

    Fortunately for Alan, he was never a patient. My mother, however, allowed me to practice on her. I remember her under the gas, which was a lot of fun. I had never seen her so relaxed and funny.

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    summerdog86  about 10 years ago

    It has occurred to me, that Elly had plenty of time to go to the office and familiarize herself with the equipment and practice a bit before she had to actually see a patient. Makes sense, but the punch line would be lost….

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    USN1977  about 10 years ago

    Not sure if Elly ever read Elizabeth bedtime stories, but in this case either “Puss in Boots” or “The Brave Little Tailor” would be good for Elly about the importance of knowing when to speak, when to let others decide, and about what.

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    RonBerg13 Premium Member about 10 years ago

    Boy, this cartoon strip is getting a bit long in the tooth, eh?.;-|)>

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    Gretchen's Mom  about 10 years ago


    Here’s the Tim Conway / Harvey Korman dentist skit on the old “Carol Burnett Show.” At 9:10, it’s a little on the long side but it’s absolutely hysterical and totally worth the watch. Hope everyone enjoys it!!! :-)



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    westny77  about 10 years ago

    Phil is such a wussy anyway…..

    I agree and down right ugly too.

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