JumpStart by Robb Armstrong for January 09, 2015

  1. Missing large
    Squizzums  about 10 years ago

    That’s why I use 12345. No one will ever figure that out.

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  2. Franco s trattoria
    StoicLion1973  about 10 years ago

    I have a theme to my password rotation, like the periodic table of elements or the order of Tudor monarchs. I’m not using those but you get the idea…

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    sheepdawg  about 10 years ago

    LOL @Squizzums, @Razputin and @nosirrum. Thanks for posting that video. I’d forgotten that bit in spaceballs. Clearly I need to watch it again soon.

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  4. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  about 10 years ago

    Try using foreign languages. That way you can use simple words that are easy to remember. Just remember which foreign language you use.

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  5. Bth baby puppies1111111111 1
    kab2rb  about 10 years ago

    Hard to come up with a unique password and remember when thoughts are simpleton.

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    tazz555  about 10 years ago

    For the very important ones I pick a random word (though it has to be easy to remember). For my internet password I decided to pick the first word of the title of a book I see in a book store

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    David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace  about 10 years ago

    “Of they use a brutal code system of going through every number combination they will find it easily.”.Not if they include a lockout timer between attempts and total lockout after a certain number of tries.And dummy access confuses.

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