Adam@Home by Rob Harrell for January 07, 2015

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    jlclaus6  about 10 years ago

    This actually happened to me to other day – I heard the song I use for my alarm on my phone while dozing with the tv on – totally woke me up.

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    x_Tech  about 10 years ago

    For me it’s the telephone which sits near one of the surround sound speakers.Phone rings, I reach for it but the guy on TV has already answered it.

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    paha_siga  about 10 years ago

    I don’t watch TV but I have had alarm going off in my dreams. Definitely wakes me up, and then I am very annoyed for having been waked up for nothing! And it has happened with different alarm clocks used – always using the alarm that I use in real life. How do my dreams do that?

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    RealityCheck  about 10 years ago

    He’s asking his wife what alarm clock noise she has?


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    katzenbooks45  about 10 years ago

    Alarm clocks, no, but doorbells on TV set my dogs off. That Home Advisor commercial is the worst…

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    esiren  about 10 years ago

    NFL Network used the same beeper sequence as my on call beeper. Drove me mad.

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    scyphi26  about 10 years ago

    My alarm clock is just set to switch on a news radio station, so it technically doesn’t play the same sound every time, so I rarely have this problem.

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    MontanaLady  about 10 years ago

    On the rare occasion I need an alarm clock, I use my cell phone, and it sings “Good Morning” very cheerfully, and that is enough for me to get out of bed and turn it off. Can’t stand it!!!

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    BJIllistrated Premium Member about 10 years ago

    Sometimes I hear my door bell ring in my sleep, it wakes me up but I know then I was dreaming because my dog and two cats are just snoozing away. Otherwise they’d be going nuts. Sheesh!

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    bugaboo27  about 10 years ago

    Both “Iron Chef” and “Law & Order SVU” have sounds that are just like the sounds my phone makes when I receive texts and voice mails… I know it’s on tv but it still gives me a little knee-jerk reaction. :)

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    tammyspeakslife Premium Member about 10 years ago

    As long as he doesn’t reach over and hit someone or something…

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    Hunter7  about 10 years ago

    That’s about right. Hearing the phone on the TV gets me searching for my cell. Especially if its an old movie.Now the alarm on the TV that wakes me up – that would be the sound of a fire alarm. That was my alarm clock, when I was a teenager. One of those Big Ben wind up clocks.

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