Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for February 28, 2015
Alice: Are you a werewolf yet? Petey: No. The full moon is tomorrow. And anyway, Mom says it'll be past my bedtime. Alice: Instead of a wolf, could you be a mole rat? They're the grossest things you ever saw and your teeth are about right for a mole rat. Or you could be a sea cucumber! They can extrude their own stomachs when provoked! Alice: Whatever. Just hurry, okay? Petey: Go away or I'll start chewing up your toys right now.
Linux0s almost 10 years ago
I wonder if toys count for picky eaters.
Sisyphos almost 10 years ago
Wow! Miss Bliss must provide some interesting science classes at Blisshaven Academy pre-school!
cdward almost 10 years ago
I’m always impressed with a four-year-old who can use “extrude” correctly on a sentence.
Flossie Mud Duck almost 10 years ago
I can handle werewolves, but the idea of an inside-out sea cucumber gives me nightmares.
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Someone’s been watching the Nature Channel.
GROG Premium Member almost 10 years ago
I don’t even want to know what a sea cucumber is or looks like. I have a hard enough time looking at the garden variety.
Stellagal almost 10 years ago
A naked were-mole rat?
puddlesplatt almost 10 years ago
but they need love also.
Gokie5 almost 10 years ago
My daughter said something about deciding on Halloween costumes for two of her daughters – a blue and black dress, and a white and gold dress.