Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for March 08, 2015
Luann: "I can't believe how many courses my college offers: Aviation, broadcasting, ceramics, microbiology, upholstery, welding- How am I supposed to know what I want, let alone what I NEED?" Mom: "I am not going to ask you again to clean this room! Just because you're in college and have a part-time job doesn't mean you can ignore your duties around here! You want to pay rent? I'll do room service. Otherwise, get on it!!" Luann: "Ok, here's one: "Criminal Justice"" Bernice: "What about "Introduction to life management?""
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
Well, it seems that Picasso wasn’t so far off, in describing Luann…
Templo S.U.D. almost 10 years ago
How about, Luann, home economics?
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
“Time And Tidy Wait For No Luann”“Straighten Up And Fly! Yeah, Right…” (♫)“A Mess Take”“Hurricane And Able”“Law And Disorder”“Tempest Control”“The Ultimatum Warrior”“A Room With No View”or“Here’s Mud In Your Sty!”
Argythree almost 10 years ago
Way to be supportive, Bern…
Belinda Banana Ana almost 10 years ago
I don’t understand people who don’t know what they want to do. Why are stories always about the characters like that? What about characters who know what they want?
wiselad almost 10 years ago
sounds snarkie, but it is actually good advice
Argythree almost 10 years ago
She probably doesn’t know who Roseann Rosannadanna was…
Angelalex242 almost 10 years ago
When people plan, God laughs.When people don’t plan, Satan laughs.
So yeah.
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
What Luann and Nancy both learned today:
“You Caiin’t Always Get What’chu Wa-aunnnt…” (♫)
-Mick Jagger (who was inspired to pen this Rolling Stones hit when they ran out of Sweet Rolls and Tea at his favorite truck stop on tour…or probably not…)
Argythree almost 10 years ago
I think Nancy’s comment came out backwards. She should have said, ‘If you want room service, pay rent!’
barbarasbrute almost 10 years ago
So does the messy bedroom saga get old.
Argythree almost 10 years ago
krys723 almost 10 years ago
Greg always finds new ways for Luann’s Mom to get her to clean her room…
GOGOPOWERANGERS almost 10 years ago
I hope they focus on other characters tommorow perhaps TJ what happened to him after his truck “blew up” and he got insurance money?
Argythree almost 10 years ago
Does anyone understand the quote from Greg on the right hand side of the ‘LuannAgainn’ comic?
31768 almost 10 years ago
again, Bernice hits the nail.
R.J.C. almost 10 years ago
You better get on it Luann, otherwise your mom would make you pay rent.
Editman almost 10 years ago
Frig off Mr. Lehay…um Mom!
Caldonia almost 10 years ago
Life management? That’s what her parents are all about; they just want to be her managers, telling her how she should behave. It’s so retro! As if she has to play this role just so her parents can nag her like in the old days. She’s a messy person? Big deal, it’s her room!
Caldonia almost 10 years ago
Look at that tiny photo in the last panel. Mr. Gray wrote a book before he started going bald! Cool!
Mordock999 Premium Member almost 10 years ago
No, No, NO, Nancy-Bot.DON’T Make Luann Clean-Up Her Room Yet.Quietly Invite Pretty-Boy over for a “Surprise Visit” so He can SEE what Kind of “Home-Maker” He’d be getting if He EVER Married Her.
And BEFORE You “Gunther-Haters” get Started, HE-WOULDN’T-MIND, So THERE!!!
BillH77 almost 10 years ago
Have Luann join the National Guard. It will give her life skills.
ShadowBeast Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Luann pretty much walks into and deserve those comments from Bernice.
ShadowBeast Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Criminal Justice won’t do you any good Luann.It’s your parent’s house and they are free to kick you out any time they want.
RonBerg13 Premium Member almost 10 years ago
A nice remembrance… seeing Luann and Bernice in Luann’s room sitting around talking.Sigh… won’t happen to many more times, if ever again…
2Goldfish almost 10 years ago
Ok, I just have to come out and say it… I hate Bernice’s hair.
maverick1usa almost 10 years ago
Go for the gold Bern! Your sarcasam is great!
Deezlebird almost 10 years ago
I have always envied people who knew what they wanted to do—be a nurse, engineer, whatever. I’m 58 and I’m still trying to figure out what I want to be. I’m far more tired of the “clean up your room” scenario—just shut the door. If she wants to live that way, let her. Way too much time is spent on cleaning house.
orz almost 10 years ago
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
I’ll “Third” that notion….
TORAD_07 almost 10 years ago
I’m wondering if this is part of the process of her moving out and either onto the Moony campus or an “off campus” apt. with either Bern or Quill…. It won’t solve the problem, though… she’ll need to learn how to keep things clean, lest her roomie also want to escape.
Ah, well.
Brown Leghorn almost 10 years ago
True to life just like that other strip about a teenage son and his doings. Maybe a little exacerbated but based on teen behavior. this sort of thing accounts for more of the same spoiled attitudes in real life!
seismic-2 Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Is today’s strip laying the foundation for a “Luann starts thinking about moving out of the house” story arc? If so, who would be her roommate? Bernice doesn’t like Dez’s incense, but she already has her room and board paid for her, courtesy of her full scholarship (she is just about the only student in the USA to get such a deal, but never mind), and Tiffany has a whole suite to herself thanks to her Dad’s contributions to Moony, so neither Bern nor Tiff would move in with Luann. Maybe Crystal? Or even Toni? Or… Quill??? I just hope it’s someone who’s a more tolerable character in the strip than TJ. One horrible roommate is enough.
doverdan almost 10 years ago
[ Bernice makes fun of Luann…again. Watching her be mean to Luann day after day after day gets old. ].She teases her — that is not always meanness..But I agree, some of this gets old, like the hundreds of “Cleaning the Room Sundays”
wiselad almost 10 years ago
everything gets old like the path Billy takes to go from point A to point B than his mom asks “what took you so long?”
wiselad almost 10 years ago
“Matilda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! go make a mess of your room, is too neat and organized!”
live2read almost 10 years ago
How many times has Nancy demanded that Luann clean her room since the strip started? A hundred times? A thousand times? A million times? If it’s the third choice, then she’s fighting a losing battle.
wiselad almost 10 years ago
did you know……………………. that even counting the “nostalgia reprints”, we are between 10,500 and 10,900 strips TOTAL since March 17 1985?
RolloTheGrouch almost 10 years ago
When is Luann going to get over moping about her career and what courses to take? Any reasonable adult would give a real-world Luan some hints:: Are you interested in anything, like, say Theater Arts? How about that miraculous drawing ability you suddenly developed? What are you doing in that part-time job – any ideas there? Do any colleges in your area have any general prerequesites? Does Pitts CC have any career counseling? How about going for an AA in cosmetology, and be done with it?
It seems like no one in Luanniverse knows anything about going to college, least of all the authors.
Sisyphos almost 10 years ago
No matter what her age, Luann is always going to be Mommy’s little girl—Mommy’s messy little girl.And Mommy will always be on her case, always!
wiselad almost 10 years ago
usually the “first” posters without the “edit option” worry about putting as less letters as possible and post before someone else…..but Belinda did post again a few minutes later at least
Airman almost 10 years ago
Saw a poll that asked if people would choose the same career. 61% said no, so Luann isn’t in the minority.
live2read almost 10 years ago
So does Nancy yelling at Luann to clean her room and never getting a different result.
seismic-2 Premium Member almost 10 years ago
The Berger household will be crowded enough already, once Mr. Gray moves in.
Argythree almost 10 years ago
SPOILER ALERT-Someone wipes that smile off TJ’s face, for a very refreshing change of pace…-(Deliberate poetry…)
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
Not to mention plenty of misunderstanding….
wiselad almost 10 years ago
who of the 2(T and B) wanted the simpler wedding?
Hatjuggler1 over 8 years ago
Why does Nancy waste her time and energy trying to get Luann to clean her room? She’s 18, give it up. I wouldn’t even go into her room anymore.