Ben by Daniel Shelton for January 26, 2015

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    pcolli  about 10 years ago

    Leave the guy alone, he’s having fun.

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  2. Cathyfacepalm
    lightenup Premium Member about 10 years ago

    Oh I love puzzles! The big, complicated ones are not for kids anyway. We have a puzzle filled with Waldos and you have to find the Waldo who is missing a shoe. Very hard. My kids gave up after a few hours. I was the only one who persisted and now they are impressed. Hopefully they will be the ones who finish it next time.Plus they are good exercises for the brain at all ages.

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  3. Chai
    Perkycat  about 10 years ago

    I love puzzles too. They have to be at least 1,000 pieces.

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    alondra  about 10 years ago

    I won’t let myself have a puzzle because I get hooked on it and can’t get anything else done. But I do online puzzles where you can choose how many pieces and I choose 100 pieces because I can do it in 15 minutes or less.

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    loner34  about 10 years ago

    I don’t do 1,000 piece puzzles anymore. Last one I did, my grand daughter was here to help.

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  6. Little b
    Dani Rice  about 10 years ago

    I used to be the office manager at a medical practice where patients had to wait for bloody ever. In addition to running off copies of the AARP Word Search, I’d put a 1,000 piece puzzle on a big table in the middle of the waiting room and it kept patients occupied and chatting while they waited. Sometimes, I’d take it halfway apart when I left at night, because we had new patients the next day.

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  7. Wizanim
    ChessPirate  about 10 years ago

    This is similar to the plot of a very funny 1933 Laurel and Hardy short called “Me and My Pal”.

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    Ginny Premium Member about 10 years ago

    Love jigsaw puzzles. Got hooked on them when I was a little girl in Chicago during the winter – everyone in the family had a go at them one time or the other.

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    1148559  about 10 years ago

    I never could get into puzzles, but the rest of my family did them a lot.

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    bfrg45  about 10 years ago

    Love today’s strip. I always have a puzzle ready for my grandkids when they come, and we do a 1000-piece puzzle in 3-4 hours, unless it’s got a lot of the same color. Can’t do one when they aren’t here, or I don’t get anything else done.

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    Kokopelli  about 10 years ago

    Make it interesting, mix two or three 1000 piece puzzles together. All different puzzles.

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