Basic Instructions by Scott Meyer for January 21, 2015

  1. Super chicken l01
    DangerBunny  about 10 years ago

    There’s No R in Washington, dammit. Not anywhere along Puget Sound anyway.

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  2. Missing large
    emmasweeny  about 10 years ago

    My mother, who grew up in that part of the US, would always warsh our clothes.

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  3. Photo
    Sodaburger  about 10 years ago

    One of my college roommates was from Oregon. And she’d always comment when people in movies said it wrong(i.e. in “Scent of a Woman” Chris O’Donnell’s character is supposed to be from Oregon and he pronounced it “Or-eh-gone” and my roommate was like “he’s not from Oregon! No one west of the Mississippi pronounces Oregon that way!”

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  4. Wizanim
    ChessPirate  about 10 years ago

    Eh, I’m tarred of this conversation

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  5. Deficon
    Coyoty Premium Member about 10 years ago

    And Iran is mispronounced, too. People keep pronouncing it “eh-ran”. The first syllable would be the schwa of Iran.

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  6. Dscn0396
    dbartley53  about 10 years ago

    Ha! Love the Coos Bay bar reference! Scott you are a true Oregonian.

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  7. 7 sisters
    SkyFisher  about 10 years ago

    Canaan Valley in WV is not pronounced like the Bible place. The locals say “KA-nane”.Here in PA we have a town “DuBois” that we call “DO-boys”.(The French would say “do-BWAH”.).BTW: I don’t care how much anyone goes on about how great phonetics are. It’s just as arbitrary as spelling..“Buy tha whey, eye doughent kair hough match n-knee won gows ahn abote khow grate fownettix r. Ettz jeust ahz arebetrairy ais spelleng.”.© 2015

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  8. Ca411d48 e35e 4a21 b058 f79259484708
    Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML   about 10 years ago

    “Oar-gun”jus aks Charls Barkly
. (turbul turbul turbul)

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  9. Captain america
    Robert Stroud  about 10 years ago

    As a Washingtonian, this resonates with me. During my years in the military I heard so many people mispronounce Oregon that it grew tiring trying to educate them. As for Warshington, that really grates. Especially when I had to hear it for a half century from my father, who migrated here due to marriage, but grew up in Nebraska and Idaho.

    There are many other regional oddities, of course. I recall moving to Boise and being told
 “you’re obviously not from here.” Problem was that we pronounced it Boy-zee, and residents say Boy-cee. One last example
 Des Moines, Washington residents pronounce the final s in Moines. It’s a tad jarring.

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  10. Louie avatar
    luckylouie  about 10 years ago

    In college, I had a roommate from Versailles, Indiana. He pronounced it “Ver-sales”. I said, “It’s pronounced ‘Ver-sigh.’” He said, “No, ‘Ver-sigh’ is in France — ‘Ver-sales’ is in Indiana.”

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  11. Fun o meter
    ZBicyclist Premium Member about 10 years ago

    With a Kentucky accent, it’s Warshington, just as you’d warsh your clothes. A bordering state is Illinois (pronounce the S, like noise). (This isn’t uniform throughout Kentucky). And it’s Ver-SAILS there as well.

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  12. Capture
    BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member about 10 years ago

    Then there’s a town in Utah called Mantua. We pronounce it “man away”.

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  13. Kca mind the snp
    Ryan Plut  about 10 years ago

    There is NO “R” in Washington!!! However, I do agree it’s “Dee-MoineZ”. (Yes, I live here!)

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